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"Why am I buying again?" I mumbled while the cashier set our drinks on the counter in front of us. 

"Because~ you failed to get out of the building even though you had an amazing head start."

"You used the quickest way!"

"Was I not supposed to?" he asked with a smirk while leaning into my face. I picked up our drinks and shoved his into his face. 

"I didn't really think about the fact that there was an exit to the balcony two feet away," I blushed and kinda murmured the end of my sentence. "I was thinking a race down the stairs cause we had to get to the station. But you thought a bit better or more like loopholed," he took his drink and sipped snidely. 

"You never said how~" 


We got settled into Doyoung's room and took out our sheets.


"Yup I see it too."

The sheet was strange and like nothing, either of us were, tasked to do in art class. The first two instructions were to copy random squiggly signatures three times. The last of the sheet's instructions were to copy our partner's ten times. 

We both looked up from our paper in false horror, our nose crinkling to the highest degrees then cackled loudly. Doyoung jumped onto his bed and rolled around helplessly. 

"Oh jeez, Ms. Niander is killing me!" I screamed while melting out of my chair.



"Lucas let's take a break I seriously can't do this anymore," Mark groaned with annoyance. 


I was kinda short which made me wince at myself although I'd been short all day with Mark, this stupid worksheet wasn't helping my anger.

We both stood up from our chairs and flopped back onto Mark's bed. 

"Why the hell are you so angry?" Mark's voice was just about as angry as I was. His voice quiet yet booming with force. 

"Jungwoo doesn't enjoy spending every second of the day with me and he misses Doyoung. He told me while we were hanging out on the weekend but the way he said it made it seem like he liked him. So I stopped being his partner so he'd have more time with him but that just makes me angrier!" I threw up my hands and then let them plop onto my stomach. 

"That's rough. You like Jungwoo, huh? You guys would make an interesting yet cute couple. Although if you got together and did things like this I dunno how great of a relationship you'd have."

"What do you mean 'like this'?" 

 He sighed as if I said 2+2 was 5.

"You're distancing yourself from him without even hearing or waiting to see how he feels about parting from you for two seconds of the day. You realize you created this awkward atmosphere all on your own so he has no choice but to cling fearfully to Doyoung. What if Doyoung takes advantage of Jungwoo's feelings?"

I let the silence fill the room for a moment. My brain needs to process this. Jungwoo could possibly like Doyoung a little too much and I just willingly gave him up. Shit.

"So I should apologize?"

"Is that even a question?!" Mark said exasperatedly. 

"Why're you mad?" I asked Mark carefully. 

"A few weeks ago, I figured out I like Donghyuk but he's in a grade below me and I'm a little too old for him considering we're in high school and he's in his last year of middle school. No matter how it goes I'm wrong. Today at lunch under the bleachers he yelled at me for clinging to Renjun unnecessarily. He told me if I wanted to hold anyone it could only be him. Then I told him I couldn't and just walked off."

I slowly turned my head to Mark who was still looking up at the ceiling. He turned to me, his face scrunched and confused. I turned my body towards him then pounced. 

"YOU LIKE DONGHYUK AND HE LIKES YOU!!!!! THAT'S AMAZING GO FOR IT! How could you just dismiss his feelings so quick?!"

"He's a middle schooler!"

"A few months ago you were too!" I stared at him and he stared at me with a blank face. It took me a second to realize I was pinning him down on the bed. "My bad dude."

"He goes to another school and his younger than me. I rejected him when I like him but-"

"No Buts no coconuts mister. You spend so much time with the 8th graders anyways. There shouldn't be a problem with you dating one. Compared to Super Lovers or Junjou Romantica you're a god, not a pedophile. If you were in a Super Lovers situation then I'd protest but you're not. Just go for it and be smart because I know you are." 

"Then you apologize, deal?" he put his fist in the air.

"Deal!" I gently knocked my own fist against his. 

I'm suddenly feeling fired up. 


Long chapter. I couldn't fit the action I wanted to in this chapter but it's ok. I know I promised action but it turns out these descriptors are running long. Hope you enjoyed :3 

First Love (luwoo)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora