3- Sam

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NOTE: This is the Glee verision of the song because they do it much softer and not as upbeat... I thought it suited the chapter better. :)


      It’s been a few days now since my encounter with the famous Niall Horan. 

     Part of me wonders. Has he tried to call me or has he just forgotten about me already? Has the number I wrote down been tossed in the trash? Maybe it was just a game. Maybe he just wanted my number to prove to the others that he could get it at all.

      Why do you even care? I thought you hated them. Not to mention that the number you gave him was fake anyways.

      My sister would have a small heart attack if she knew that I met him and served the rest of the band. They’re all she talks about.

      She has posters of them taped up in her room, a huge picture of them as her screensaver, and (worst of all) several shirts and accessories with their faces on them.

      So she doesn’t just see them in the privacy of her room… she makes everyone else see them as well, wherever she goes. Everyone else being mostly me, one of the few people who seem to have a disliking to them.

      “Did you know today is Liam’s birthday?” She gushes at dinner, barely even touching her food because she’s talking so much.

      “That’s exciting,” Mum says as she stabs a noodle with her fork. “Isn’t it Abel?”

       Dad’s still got his nose buried in paperwork, even at the dinner table. “Mhmm.” Is all he says, shuffling through the stack and jotting down something.

      Dad’s made a sudden transition to being a workaholic. Ever since he got this big promotion, he suddenly has no time for family because he’s so busy filing papers and taking phone calls. There’s no such thing as sibling rivalry between who’s “daddy’s favorite” in our family. The siblings in the fight are just the family and his job, and we never come out on top.

      Why can’t he have a simple, nice job like Mum? She owns a local bakery, sweet and simple. The family gets free baked goods and Mum’s just as sweet as the cakes she makes, while Dad’s job stresses him and only makes him more irritable by the day.

      Jenny seems to not even notice that Dad doesn’t care about her precious star’s birthday. “I’m thinking about sending him a tweet or something, but I don’t know if he’ll even see it. I mean, I’m sure so many other people are sending them, he probably wouldn’t notice mine, let alone answer it…”

      Yes, she would definitely kill me if she found out that I met them and didn’t get an autograph or something.

      Suddenly the phone rings and Mum gets up to answer it at the exact same time that Dad decides to take his work back to his office.

      Great, now I’m left with Jenny.

      “Liam is beautiful, don’t you think Sam?”

      I purse my lips and try to avoid wrinkling my nose at her. She knows how I feel about them, yet she still consistently tries to talk to me about them. She ought to know better than anyone, she was there.

      And so what, Liam is cute? I won’t deny it, all of them are attractive, but that doesn’t mean that I like them any better.

      I’ve learned from my best friend, Lily, that guys can easily have a pretty face, but not a pretty personality.

      “Gorgeous.” I say dryly, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

      Jenny just grins, not seeming to notice my sarcasm. “I really wish that I could meet them for more than ten seconds,” she sighs, resting her head on her hand and gazing longingly at the wall behind me. “Without being shoved around by other fans and led on a leash by security.” She rolls her eyes, probably thinking about the last (and first) time she went to see them.

Her Alias [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now