the start of it all

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There was a girl named meliah, she was sweet, beautiful, smart and funny. she did anything she coud to please her parents but they never accepted her. she tried so harad so be the "good child"' her older sister, shawna was always sneaking her boyfriend in the house or her self out of the house and as for the little sister, zena she was the bossiest little thing meliah had ever met she also was a brat she constantly was treating meliah like a slave and acting like she Is older then meliah even though she is seven and meliah is thirteen well anyways meliahs parents never took her side if shawna punched her in the face meliah would be grounded for getting hurt if zena stole meliahs money, jewlery or other valubles, meliah would get in trouble for not hiding them  well enough. After a while meliah got fed up with there act and started planning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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