Stepping Up

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Every since that day at the steak house, Damien has been really stepping up, and showing me he wants to be a family with me and the baby. I am now 5 months pregnant, and today after school we will find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I really want to have a girl so i can have a mini me to go to the nail shop with when she gets older, dress her like me. Teach her how to be a lady.

My thought process is interrupted when my teacher calls on me to answer a question, and I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Huhh" I say feeling called out

"Ms. Taylor its very important that you are paying attention in my class since you will be out on medical leave soon" Mr Willard says

"Clearly she wasn't listening in Sex Education either, or she wouldn't be knocked up now" somebody says and the whole class erupts in laughter.

I look back and I see Mercedes bald head ass high fiving her friends, and laughing like something is funny. She has always been mean to me, and I don't know why. We were never friends, so I haven't done anything to betray her at all. I ignore her and don't respond, I don't need to be arguing with her while I'm pregnant. I focus my attention to Mr. Willard. He's right, I need to be paying attention and not day dreaming if I'm going to graduate on time.

30 minuets later the bell rings, and everybody jumps up and races out the classroom like the building is on fire. Probably greatful its finally Christmas break. I learned a few months ago, to just stay seated, and leave after they are already gone. I don't need to be getting trampled over, because i'm walking all slow in front of them. As I turn to leave Mr. Willard asks to talk to me.

"Ms Taylor how far along are you? I'm only asking because you're going to be out soon, and I don't want you to not graduate due to missed work" Mr Willard tells me with concern in his voice.

"I'm due April 23rd" I say

"That's just 3 weeks before graduation" Mr. Willard tells me

"Yeah I know, i'm trying really hard to pay attention in class, and not get distracted, but it's kinda hard not to when i feel kicks, all the time" I say laughing while rubbing my belly.

"Well I'll tell you this, since you are one of my best students, I went and talked to a few of your other teachers, and they have agreed to gathering your work up, and mailing it to you once you go on bed rest, that way you can do the work while you're waiting on the baby to arrive, and you wont fall behind in any of your classes" Mr Willard tells me, making me feel like crying. I'm so emotional during this pregnancy.

"OMG! Mr. Willard, thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me. I was so worried about missing homework, and graduating on time. Now I don't have to be stressing about it over Christmas break. Thank you so much" I shake his hand and walk out the classroom.

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