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Rose POV

I was sitting with Dee and we were at Kalon first birthday party, and we were looking at the girls play with Kalon. Anastasia is starting to talk much clearer, and she has a lot to say.

"Baby, want something to drink? I'm about to get something out the kitchen." I asked Dee as I stood up. "Nah, I'm good." He replied giving me a slight smile.

I walked inside the house, so I can get myself a Pepsi, I haven't drunk a soda in a minute. I heard Andre talking to someone, but I minded my business. I know that Trey was on his way and I haven't really seen him in a while, and I didn't really want to see him.

I bent down so I can get myself a soda out of the cooler, "Yo Tee." I heard Andre walk inside the kitchen. I guess he thought I was Tee, I chuckled.

"Nah bruh, it's me." I said as I grabbed the soda and stood back up.

I came face to face with Andre, Trey, and Sade.

She was holding Halon hand, I looked down at him and he looked nothing like Trey. But that was none of my damn business.

I cleared my throat, "She's outside. I'm just gonna go back out there and tell her that you want her." I said and left out. I went to find Tee and she was playing with the kids, "Tee sorry to interrupt you, but your future hubby wants you." I said.

"The fuck do he need me for?" She scrunched her face up.

"His best friend and his best friend girl are here with their child. Sooooo I really don't know what he wants." I said while I crossed my arms.

Tee rolled her eyes and waved her hand, "Bitch I'm definitely not going in there now. I don't like that bitch Sade. They starting to get on my nerves trying to make me be friends with that hoe." She said.

We began walking towards some seats where nobody was sitting at, we just wanted to talk and not be around nobody. We kept our eyes on the kids as they ran around the backyard. We sat down and started talking.

"Nah forreal Rose..." She paused, "If they come out with that shit I might just spazz out on they asses. I don't like da bitch, seriously." She said as she rolled her eyes.

I laughed, "I can tell." I said as I looked over to Dee who was talking to Anastasia.

"Ro.." Tee said, "Yeah?" I said back and continue looking at Dee.

"Would you marry Dee? Yall seem so in love and he take care of the girls as if they were his daughters." She said, then I looked back at her.

"If he asked me, I wouldn't say no." I said.

"I'm your Maid of Ho-" Tee stopped and started mugging.

I looked back to what she was looking at and I stood up, so I could walk away, I saw Trey and Andre making their way over here. "I'm about to leave because I know they are coming over here." I said to Tee, but she grabbed my hand stopping me from leaving.

"You not going no damn where fuck him AND her." Tee said.

"If he starts some shit bitch... I swear ima go off!" I said, and I wasn't playing.

"I got you, trust me." Tee stated, and we began laughing.

When they finally walked up, Andre started talking to Tee about some gift Trey bought for Kalon. Trey and I just kept quiet, I kept looking at my phone on Snapchat. I didn't want to be bothered with Trey when it comes to him he always on some bullshit.

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