Chapter 2

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        Jack and Elsa flew back to the kingdom in hopes to find clues that would lead to the missing princess. The pair reached the castle entrance and as Elsa was about to summon the guards to open the gates, there went the clip-clop of Sven’s hoofs.  

        “Sven!” Elsa gasped as Sven trotted back to the entrance of the palace, unaccompanied by his loyal companion. “Where’s Kristoff?”

        The reindeer snorted in the northern direction and then lowered his head as to signify that Kristoff wasn’t doing much better. 

        “Jack, this isn’t good.” Elsa sighed. “Sven, do you remember anything about Anna?”

        The reindeer wildly shook his head then snorted again. 

         “Elsa, he’s an animal. What does he know?” Jack shoved his hand into his sweatshirt pocket and balanced his staff onto his shoulder. “It’s not like he can talk.”

        Sven gashed his teeth, flared his nostrils and poked Jack with his antler, signifying that he was insulted.

        “Woah, woah there tiger! I was just playing!” Jack inched away, hiding behind Elsa as Sven growled at him.

        “Don’t anger Sven. You already know he doesn’t like you!”

        “OH shut it.” Jack glowered. “So what. He was messing with my snowflakes. Not my fault he didn’t see my ice coming!”

        “Don’t listen to him Sven. You’re my favorite.” Elsa patted Sven on the nose. “Now. Take us to Kristoff. Jack, get the sled.”

        “Sled? Uh, I’ll just fly. Which direction? North Mountain?”

        “Not exactly, but if you know your way, so be it.” Elsa turned sassily and guided Sven to the reindeer stable to hook on Kristoff’s sled. “Let’s go Sven. Let’s leave this loser to his peace.” Elsa smirked as Sven trotted away towards the Troll home.

        “What am I going to do with her?” Jack said to himself and laughed lightly as he sprang up in the air. 


        The trio reached the troll home just in time for Kristoff to awake from his sleep. 

        “Kristoff! Are you okay? How are you feeling?” Elsa ran to his side.  

        “I’m fine. My head still hurts. Grand Pabbie has recommended me to just rest.” 

        “Do you remember anything from the night Anna got kidnapped?” Elsa said with a shake in her voice. “Jack and I are trying to find clues.” 

        “Jack? As in Jack Frost?” Kristoff said puzzled. “Isn’t he just a legend?” 

        “Who are you calling a legend buddy?” Jack said pissed as he formed a ball of snow in his hands.

        “JACK. DO NOT THROW THAT.” Elsa hollered and glared at the guardian before turning her attention back to Kristoff. “Continue.”

        “The last thing I remember is Anna walking towards Oaken’s place to grab Sven carrots. She was walking and the next thing I knew, I was knocked out. I might’ve heard a faint help from her but nothing else before I completely blacked out. I’m sorry Elsa. That’s all I can retrieve right now.” Kristoff placed his elbows on his knees and sat with frustration. “They have my Anna. And they’re going to pay.”

        “We’re going to find her if it’s the last thing we do.” Elsa said with a determined tone. “I’m going to the Southern Isles. I’m going to talk to Hans and see if he has anything to do with this.” Her voice became stern. “If anyone is trying to sabotage my kingdom, it would be him.”

        “Hans? The guy that tried to kill you guys?” Jack questioned. “Why would you want to visit him?” 

        “I trust your instincts Elsa.” Kristoff smiled. “I wish you and… the snow guy the best of luck.”

        “Wow, does no one like me here?” Jack huffed as he struck his staff to the ground and burst up in flight. “Don’t come crying to me when it starts to snow real hard and you want me to stop it!” He shouted.

        “What’s his deal?” Kristoff said.

        “He’s just… Jack. He’s a bit childish, but oh well. He’s a good guy. Alright. I’m going to leave you to rest. I’ll be back in a day.” 

         “Good luck.” 

         Elsa got back into the sled and raced back into town. 

         “Kai! Please get me on the next ship to the Southern Isles please.” Elsa commanded.

        “Yes, your highness. Southern Isles it is.” Kai motioned for the ship crew to set up for sailing. “Do you need any extra guards?” 

         “I’ll be all set. Thanks Kai!”

        “ELSA!” Jack shouted as he descended down from the clouds. “Don’t you need me?”

        “No. You’re not being considerate of the fact that this is my sister.” Elsa hung her head in disappointment. “I’m sorry Jack. If you’re not willing to take things seriously, I’ll be making my journey to Hans alone.”

        “You know darn well I’m not going to let you go there alone. After what that monster did to you!”

        “Hans may have wanted to seize my kingdom, but with every wrong, there must be forgiveness.” She sighed. “He’s the only one that I think could’ve taken Anna.” 

         “But there were several men at the kidnapping…right?” 

         “Henchmen, Jack. Hans may be trapped in the castle, but as a royal, that doesn’t mean you have all cut access. He’s stealthy.” 

         “Okay. I trust you.” Jack landed onto the dock of the ship and walked towards Elsa. “But if anything happens… allow me to blast his side-burns off with ice?”

        “We’ll see.” Elsa laughed nervously.

        “ALL ABOARD.” The ship’s captain hollered as cranking of the anchor rang through the air. 

         “Let’s do this.” Elsa breathed heavily before staring off into the horizon as the ship slowly started to depart the Arendelle dock. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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