"Any normal person in this whole world would have said yes in a second! How could you say you'll think about it!" She smacked her forehead and plopped down next to me, turning her whole body to face me. "What's there even to think about Luna, the hottest guy probably ever! Asked you out to dinner and you just-" she tugged at the roots of her hair and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Avery I'm pretty sure you're taking this worse than he is."

She rolled her eyes and stood up again. "Do you have his number?"

I drew my eyebrows together, "I mean, yeah but-"

"You're calling him, and you're telling him you would love to go out to dinner. Because if you don't, then I will for you."

"what no! Avery no, you're insane," I held up my hands and shook my head.

She vigorously shook her finger at me like an angry mother disciplining her child. "You are crazy if you think I'm going to let you pass up this beautiful! Opportunity. He's so amazing Luna trust me! Plus you haven't been out with a guy in so long, I'm getting a little worried about you."

I stared at her blankly, there was no way she was serious. Avery was about ready to lose it, she looked as though her head was about to explode. "Avery, relax. He's Harry Styles, can't he get whoever else he wants?"

"Luna, I swear you can be the dumbest person I know," she claims. I scoff and shove her. "It's not about who he can get, it's about the fact that he chose you. For some odd reason he finds your crude sarcastic ass appealing." She threw her hands up in the air and set them on top of her head.

"Wow, thanks Avery, I really feel that boost of confidence now."

She rolled her eyes and sat down, widening her eyes and pushing her lower lip out. "Please, please do it for me."

"No Avery."

She groaned and rubbed her face in annoyance.

"Fine, then if you're not going to do it for me- then do it for yourself. You need this, and I don't think there's anyone better to start off going back into the game than the Harry Styles."

I crossed my arms and leaned back, sinking into the cushions. A smile slowly made its way to her face as she brought her hands together. She squealed and stood up excitedly.

"I can't believe my best friend is going on a date with Harry Styles! We have to prepare! Friday is 3 days away! God it's like he didn't even give you time."

I rolled my eyes at her constant babbling, regretting even telling her in the first place.

"Oh! You need to call him. Right now."

I looked at her and chuckled slightly, "Avery it's almost 8, he's probably sleeping."

She shrugged, her eyes darting off to the side. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking wherever she did. My phone sat a few feet away from us, and before I could get up in time she ran towards it and grabbed it. I picked up my pace and ran after her around the apartment.

"Avery don't!" She jumped up onto the couch and moved every time I tried to reach for her.

"Pressing his contact now," she dragged out the words and jumped off the couch and booked it toward the kitchen. I groaned and rushed after her. She stood on one side of the counter and I was on the other.

"It's ringing!"

I panicked, telling her to hang up the phone. She fell silent, a large grin appearing on her face. She giggled, "he answered, he's on now."

"Avery!" I whisper yelled as she pushed the phone over to me. I shoved it back towards her shaking my head to which she then picked it up and placed it to my ear.

"Uh hello?" Harry's voice was even deeper over the phone, I couldn't help but blush even though he wasn't actually here.

"H-hey, it's L- Oprah! From the dry cleaners," I stumbled over my words and my voice sounded high pitched. He laughed, "Hello love, what do I owe the pleasure at this time of night?" a small smile made its way to my face, but I quickly stopped it, seeing as Avery was watching me. She smiled mischievously, but all I did was wave her off and turn my back to her.

"I just- wanted to say yes, to your question."

Avery squeaked slightly holding her hands to her mouth. "Really?" He responded, "That's great! What- what anticipated the decision?" I let out a sarcastic chuckle, turning my attention to Avery who was sitting on a stool and eating.

"Take a wild guess," I say. He laughed, multiple sounds stirring in the background as he spoke.

"Thank god for her, I don't think it'd be happening without her." I rolled my eyes to his response and mumbled in agreement.

"So, I'll see you Friday then. I'll pick you up around 7:30?"

I nodded, then realized he couldn't see what I was doing. "Yeah, sounds good."

"Okay well, goodbye for now darling." I blushed at the nickname and said goodbye. Once the call disconnected, I set my phone down and looked at Avery. She smiled so brightly, stuffing her face with crackers.

"You are so excited for this I know you are!" I rolled my eyes and shoved her shoulder.

"I mean, I'm happy for you but I'd also like this to be me. But then again I'd rather you than anyone else."

"Aves, it's one date. Not marriage." She laughed and shrugged.

"Could be."

"But it's not," I respond back heading to my room.

"But it could be!" She yelled out, having the last word. I chuckled and went into the room. I changed into pajamas and went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth then washing my face. I sat down on the toilet, resting my elbows on my knees and my chin in between both palms of my hand. I couldn't help but think about how real this was. My nerves were secretly all over the place, and I was confused. I didn't want to admit it but Avery was right, I was excited.

I sighed, finishing my business and exiting the bathroom. I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over my small body.

A small smile made its way to my lips as I closed my eyes, sleep taking over my whole body.

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