[11] Little Hangleton

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"Harry could see a village, undoubtedly Little Hangleton, nestled between two steep hills, its church and graveyard clearly visible. Across the valley on the opposite hillside, was a handsome manor house surrounded by a wide expanse of velvety green lawn."




Little Hangleton is a small village in Yorkshire which the most prominent family living was the Riddles. The village is near the larger community of Great Hangleton and is about 200 miles away from Little Whinging. The pure-blood wizarding family, the Gaunts, lived just outside Little Hangleton in a shack.


The Riddle House

The Gaunt Shack

The Graveyard

The Hanged Man (local pub)

Frank Bryce's Cottage


Frank Bryce

Rod Freddy

The Gaunts

The Riddles

The Riddles' cook

The Riddles' maid

The local barman


•Harry Potter only ever physically visited Little Hangleton during the Return of Tom Riddle; however, he went there in memories presented to him by Albus Dumbledore quite a few times. Also, despite being in Little Hangleton again, through memories, Harry doesn't recognise the graveyard.

•In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Little Hangleton always seems to have a dark, shadowy landscape with cloudy weather. Though there is no mention in the book, it is possible that it was made to add in with the murderous history that occured in the village.

•Little Whinging is in the far northwestern corner of Surrey (since Harry had travelled there by way of Paddington Station). A circle drawn of 200 miles would point out to the ocean, but the line crosses some parts of Wales, York, Cornwall and Middleborough, indicating that Little Hangleton is located somewhere in the midsection of England, though it is unknown exactly where the village is located.

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