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How was I supposed to know I had another choice?

You said--

Oh you said;

So many things you never said.


How was I supposed to know,

Know I had a choice?

Don't you think I had a say?

I had no say.


Like a slave I followed you

Like a dog you made me feel.

I was your toy,

A little broken doll.

You showed me what it was to be alive

To be human, to be me.


All this time I believed in you.


Dirty halls, bloody chains--

An animal.

Whips, chains and knives.

Hit, touch, and a nice time.


A wild touch unlike another,

A sensational bittersweet dance;

A connection.


I had no choice but to follow you,

Till now.


Can you feel the fire?

It's inside if me--



A grunt, a broken vase, a beating heart. 

No choice, no say.

Your cries, my grin.

Your toys on your skin,

The cravings on our skin.


Red, red, red .

Daddy dearest's favorite color.

I'll always be Daddy's girl.


Red, red, red,

I paint myself with red.

Grinning is all I do,

Just like you used too.

I have my say,

Unfortunately you don't.


Red, red, red,

Is the last thing I see before I,

Before I join you too.

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