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I know you care,

I can see it in the way you stare.

You promised you’d always be there

This pain is too much too bear.


Tinted windows,

Spray painted walls,

Howling widows,

Broken dirty dolls.


Fresh clean air,

Polished new chairs,

Golden chandeliers,

No room for fears.


Forbidden kisses under the moonlight,

My golden secret knight,

Will make everything alright.


You work under the sunlight,

I work somewhere bright.


Mud on your face,

Soul full of grace,

Love me in your embrace,

Darling, you are no disgrace.


No, no, no, don’t run away,

Don’t listen to what they say,

Darling, why can’t you stay?


Father, no let me go,

He’s my Monroe,

My Joe,

He caused me to grow.


Four years come and pass,

I thought we would last.

Who cares about high, middle or lower class?

I thought I was winning when I was really coming in last.

Oh how time goes by fast.

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