Chapter 22- Final Chapter

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Chapter 22- Final chapter

Kellin's POV:


It had been one year since the whole incident. I never told Vic about what happened, I knew he wouldn't believe me. But I would never forget it. I still lay awake at night thinking about it. I'll never forget those last seconds of hugging my dad goodbye. But that situation made me think differently about life. I thought about my dad a lot. I wondered if he had been looking down on me the whole time. I guess that wouldn't be the best thing because once I got back Vic and I got much more all the time. But I loved living life knowing he was watching me.

It took a while but Vic became a stabilized drinker. He has a beer or two from time to time and he only drinks socially. I put him into a moderation stage and now he's okay. And since he stopped drinking constantly he always went to work and he never got fired so he got promoted and he makes a very good amount of money. There's no more violence or depression. It took countless amounts of AA meetings and therapy sessions but we did all we could and it worked amazingly. Vic and I are a happy, old, married couple now.

Everyone's really happy now and since I never died, Tay and Alex had a baby sooner. They had a beautiful daughter named Aliza. She's about 3 months old now. Grace has babysat her from time to time and Tay and Alex love her for it.

She was also asked to go to three different schools on full scholarship due to her outstanding grade point average. One of those colleges was even an Ivy league school. Matty's been loving high school. He's been dating a lot and it's adorable to see him try to hide it from Vic and I.

And today, Matty and Jenna got married! Now here we were one year later. We had just went through the ceremony of their wedding and we were currently at their reception. It was a big party. There were a lot of people here. Surprisingly, a lot of people from our high school were here. I guess Matty and Jenna stayed in touch with a lot of people. Everyone was on the dance floor, including me and Vic. It was about 11:00pm and the wedding was coming to the end.

"I love weddings." I said.

"Really? I always thought they were long and all the same. Small weddings are better." he said.

"Well, of course you think that. We eloped when we were just getting out of high school." I said.

"Yeah, but I liked our wedding. The memory of it is adorable." he said.

"Eh, I think I've thought about it one too many times." I said. He laughed and kissed my forehead. We both looked at Jenna and Matt dancing. She looked beautiful with her hair up and with a fancy wedding dress on.

"Well, you know what was different about our wedding?" he asked.

"What?" I asked.

"We never went on a honeymoon." Vic said. I shrugged.

"We kind of did, in a way." I said. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Having sex in a car wasn't a honeymoon. I'm talking about a proper honeymoon. Like going away somewhere." he said. I shrugged once more.

"Yeah, but we didn't need it. I love you, Vic. I don't need some big honeymoon to prove that." I said. I kissed him slowly and he smiled.

"Maybe it's not something you need, but it could be something you want." he said. He took my hand and he walked me off the dance floor. We sat down in our seats and he looked at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"This." he said before taking two tickets out of his pocket.

"What is that?" I asked in confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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