actions can be louder than words

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My rellamy fanfic is not done I'm.just thinking about how I want to continue it. Untill then enjoy this Zaven one shot. ☺️♥️

The group had escaped from the valley just a few hours ago and Zeke thought that Raven would be happy to finally get her colloar off and be free from the chuch she had been trapped in. Sadly he was wrong. She had seemed off all night. Zeke hadn't known her for long but for some reason he found himself gravitate towards her. He cared for her in a way he wasn't quite sure he could explain and it was because of those feelings that he found himself walking towards her.
"Raven what's wrong?" Zeke questioned.
"Go away." Her voice was raw and sharp. It felt like sharp glass peircing his skin.
"Raven..." Zeke insisted but was cut off before he could finish.
"I said go away! Leave me the hell alone!" Her voice had turned to ice.
Confused, Zeke suddenly felt the need to defend himself. "What the hell did I do?"
She snapped.
"You made me care!"
Zeke's brow furrowed. He didn't understand.
"After Finn I promised myself I wouldn't let myself fall for anyone ever again..." This time it was her turn to get interrupted.
"Raven I'm not Finn."
"Let me finish." She had only just started. "I promised myself that I would never care for someone the way I cared for him. And I kept that promise. Hell I even pushed wick away! But than all the sudden you show up and in less than two weeks you had me crying in front of you and asking you to run away with me. You made me care Shaw!" At this point tears had started to form in her eyes. Her voice was suddenly softer and started to break. "You made me care." She looked down ashamed, scared, vulnerable.
Zeke wasn't sure what to say, but sometimes actions speak louder than words. Before either of them could think about what was about to happen he took his hand and cupped her cheek. Then he crashed his lips onto hers. This woman had suddenly wormed her way into his heart and he wasn't planning on letting her go anytime soon because he wasn't Finn or Wick he was Miles Ezekiel Shaw.

Zaven One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now