MinaYama: Carnation Girl

880 22 28

Pairing: Aoyama Yuga X Ashido Mina (M/F)
Alternate Universe: Yes
Quirks: Yes
Words: 3,396

"Okay, fucker," Bakugou Katsuki growled. "If you don't stop shitting around, I'm gonna leave your ass behind."

Aoyama tore his periwinkle gaze away from the crystal water fountain he had been admiring for the past five minutes. It amazed him that such a low-quality mall could have such an extravagant fountain. It was coated a crisp aqua, tinting the shimmering water, making it striking stand out in the center of the mall. Was it even surprising that the fountain caught Aoyama's attention? Not to mention, water created an easy reflection to admire.

Bakugou ran a stressed hand through his frizzy hair. "Fucking figures you'd get distracted by a damn FOUNTAIN of all things," He stormily stomped up to Aoyama and tugged at the back of his hood, pulling it over his head. "and how many fucking times I gotta tell you to keep your hood up?"

Aoyama pouted, inflating his cheeks. Monsieur Bakugou knew nothing about admiring beauty found in the public. It was something you should cherish since it was so rare and exciting to find. And Monsieur Bakugou apparently also had a stick up his toosh.

"Monsieur Katsuki," He pattered. "The hood messes up my hair. Not to mention that the sweater you loaned me clashes with my default style, makes me look like a peau de fesses."

Monsieur Bakugou rolled his eyes, his voice gruff as ever. "You need to keep your hood up, fuck-face. This mall is crawling with teenagers. If you get recognized it'll all be over," He held up a threatening fist, though Aoyama knew he had no actual intention of using it. "You'll miss your fucking podcast. Then who's gonna get hounded for it? That's right, me."

Aoyama nodded understandingly. He loved his fans and would gladly get caught up in signing autographs and taking pictures for hours, but he didn't want to get his manager into trouble. Despite his crude potty mouth and bad attitude, the champagne blond was still a hardworking person who didn't deserve more stress.

He pulled the hood of the drab ash sweater Monsieur Bakugou loaned him further over his head, masking his royal golden locks. He sighed, hoping his hair wouldn't completely suffocate under the tight mauve fabric.

Manager Katsuki released a huff and took Aoyama by his wrist, not risking letting the little fucker get away again. Seriously, it was like babysitting! All Bakugou had to do was look away for a handful of seconds then poof, Yuga would be gone, off admiring a fucking fountain of all the things to admire.

He swore being that shit's manager would kill him one day...but, even with that being said, it wasn't like he would ever quit or anything, nobody would be able to do the job right except for him, and despite his façade, Bakugou still wanted Aoyama so be successful. He just wished the lemon blond wasn't such a pain in the ass. Jesus, where to start? He was easily distracted (Ha-ha-HA), he didn't think realistically, he was too emotional, and fucking hell, the list just went on. And right at the very top of that never ending list, claiming the shining number one spot, was his narcissism.

Most of his fans saw it as funny, the way he would endlessly admire the mirror and carry around pictures of himself, hell, some people even thought it was just a fake personality he had created to gain attention.

As his manager, Bakugou knew different.

Aoyama was 100%, no doubt about it, exactly like persona he showed to the public. God, sometimes it really got on Bakugou's nerves how he could go on for hours, comparing himself to the stars in the sky. Maybe that dimwit just needed to find somebody and then his narcissism would be (slightly) cured, but - fuck - pray for the poor soul that may happen to catch his attention, because Aoyama Yuuga is a handful as much as he is a narcist.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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