I let out a loud laugh, not stopping until Chris makes a complete stop. When Cody finally catches up, Chris turns his back towards my fiance and leans back, letting me fall into Cody's arms.

I love being able to goof around with the boys like this. There are three days until the first trial, and I'm determined to make the most out of the time we have.

Cody wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his side and kissing the top of my forehead.

"Guys," Chris whispers, looking at us both, "There is a lot of paparazzi standing by my car right now."

We all look up, and sure enough, there were half a dozen men with notebooks and cameras swarming the car we need to get into.

"Chris do you want to pull out, so they move? Em and I will hop in." Cody asks, staring ahead and trying to develop some mediocre plan that has no chance of working because they'll still swarm to us anyways.

"Don't bother," I say, staring at both of them. "You two get in the car, I'll answer some of their questions, and then we can leave."

"No way Em," Chris argues, "There's no need to do that."

"Yes, there is. You heard the lawyers; the more interviews, the more sympathy, and sympathy results in lighter sentencing."

"Babe," Cody retorts, moving his hand from my waist to the small of my back. "If you're not comfortable with this, you don't have to do it. You don't need to fight my battles."

We had finally gotten a parking spot away from Chris's car. I take a step ahead, turning and facing the boys.

I rest my hand on Cody's chest and lean up to kiss him. "Behind every strong man is an even stronger woman. You two get in the car. I'll answer a few questions then we can head to dinner."

The boys look at each other, holding their stare before shaking their heads. Even though they were reluctant, they do as told and both take the front seats of the Hummer.

I take a deep breath, calming myself before walking over to the small swarm of paparazzi.

"Miss Chatswell, was sex with Cody Bellinger consensual?"

"Are the Bellingers bribing you to keep quiet?"

"Emberly, are you with Mr. Bellinger for his money?"

The questions being thrown around were overwhelming, but I knew that in the long run, it'll be best to answer them and give them Cody and I's side.

I turned to the reporter that asked the first question, "Everything Cody and I have done was consensual."

He, as well as all the others, wrote down my answers in their notebooks. I was suddenly sick to my stomach, thinking about how distorted my answers would be in their writing.

I didn't like all the cameras flashing in my face; they make me feel vulnerable. I look down and away from the lights, not picking my head up until I hear another question that draws my attention.

"Emberly, do you have any connection with Cody's teammate Chase Utley, the one who turned you guys in?"

Just the mention of Chase's name sends chills down spine. I take a deep breath before answering, "Yes actually, I do. Chase Utley raped and assaulted me several times before I moved in with Cody's family in Arizona."

There was no empathy, no I'm sorry or even sad looks, just more questions.

"Did Cody know this was happening?"

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