"Speaking of Zaria. I think I need to speak to her." I told them. Kelvin tsked and then laughed. 

"It's like you are hungry for trouble." He teased and we laughed at his joke. 


Charles had given me an in tale of where the girls were. Though I was trying to avoid Ada, there was definitely no way I'd want to find Zaria without seeing her. They were friends, they were always together. 

I saw them exactly where Charles told me I'd find them, their favourite spot in love garden. My eyes immediately found her. She had her head buried in her book as her pen scribbled down in a jotter. Ada and Lyla were in their own word, gisting. 

Just like I had expected, Ada was the first person to see me coming. She quickly beamed and tried to do this thing where girls would straighten their cloths and run their hands through their hair when they see their "dream guy" coming. 


"Hey girls." I greeted good-naturedly. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Zaria raise her head up briefly to look at me before going back to concentrate on what she was doing. My lips involuntarily twitched up in a lopsided grin. 

"Hey Joel." Ada replied while Lyla just waved, a smile playing on her lips. 

"Do you mind if I borrowed your friend for a few minutes?" I asked them. Ada quickly stood up. 

"Lyla won't mind. What do you need?" She said and I sighed. 

I feared this would happen. I hated stuffs like this. 

"Actually, I'm talking about Zaria." I looked at Zaria whose head shot up on hearing her name. I saw Ada's smile turn upside down to a scowl. 

"Me?" Zaria asked the same time Ada said. 


I smiled at Zaria and nodded. 

"Yes, can we talk? Somewhere private perhaps?" I asked her. She looked surprise. Her expression was priceless and it even made me smile. 

"Sure, I guess so." She closed her book and stood up, following me as I led her away from her friends. 


We both got to the empty multipurpose hall that was always used for assembly. I gave way for her to enter then I closed the door behind us. She was looking around, having a thoughtful look on her face  and I really wanted to know what was going on in her head. 

"What's going on in your head?" I asked her and she turned around to face me. I had my back leaned again the door and I folded my hand. 

"If this is your idea of private then I'm really scared." She said, a teasing tone evident in her voice and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. 

"Who knows, maybe you want to murder me. The walls are sound proof." She added. I couldn't hold the laugh that escaped my lips. 

Who knew she had a sense of humour. 

"I wouldn't kill you where there are CCTV cameras at every nock and cranny." I told her and she giggled. Hearing the sound again felt elevating. 

"Touché. Why then did you call me? I promised to stay out of your way. Yet, you are coming to look for me." She said. I smiled. 

"We still need to talk." I stated and she smiled, shaking her head. 

"There is really nothing to talk about, Joel." There was a way she said my name that made my senses heighten. "I've done the best I could. I've also promised to stay out of your way." She said in a very calm voice. 

"Wow! So, you don't think we could be friends or something? I mean, few minutes ago, we were joking." I told her and the exhaled, biting her lower lips. I felt my eyes unconsciously follow the gesture. 

"Yes, but don't you think it's pretty absurd for rivals to be friends. It doesn't make sense." She replied and I couldn't help the scoff that left my lips. 

"I don't want to be rivals with you or anyone." I told her matter-of-factly and she looked at me. I sighed, stretching my hand for a shake. "I just want to get to know you, not the conceited,arrogant girl everyone talks about. The real you." I added. 

She looked from my face to my stretched hand and back to my face before she leaned in and brought her head closer to mime, her lips to my ear. 

"No one knows the real me...and you won't be the first." She whispered softly before she brushed past me and walked out of the hall. 

I dropped my hand in utter frustration and puffed out air from my mouth. I remembered the words of my mum, telling me to get to know Zaria. I scratched my brows and exhaled. 

Well, She's not making it any easy. 

𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟷)Where stories live. Discover now