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I've had this one written the same time the other parts where published but it never wanted to publish this chapter for some odd reason, until now


The warm feeling of the Star Nomad's arms wrapped around you made your heart beat 10 times faster than it was supposed to. His small hums and fit of giggles made your cheeks flush, and him burying his furry face into your neck make it tickle, along with his little goatee. "Ah, I love hug'en you! Your so warm 'en soft, and cuddly." He said with his cute thick southern accent. Your arms hesitantly wrapped around his small body as you cuddled up with him.

You was nervous, WAY to nervous. Your crush, the crush you have had for years is hugging you. Well that isn't new but you always acted up and got nervous like this every time he made any kind of contact with you, which was

Your surprised you didn't end up in the hospital yet form how much it affected you.

"Ah come on (y/n), I know that ya can hug better than that." He said pulling his face away from your neck and giving you his adorable stern look. "S-sorry--" you said and moved closer, if that was even possible, to the adorable orange fur ball. Tightening your hug even more.

"Ah! I knew ya could do it!" He cheered and hugged back harder again nuzzling his face back into the junction of your neck. You soon did the same and sighed as you felt your heart beat slow down. You felt yourself smiling softy as he hummed a small tune. "This is nice." You said sighing again and loosed the tight grip around your friend to a soft hold.

"It sure is." He said and closed his eyes as you did yours and soon you fell asleep while still holding onto each other.


You soon woke up to a sudden jump and you heard a giggle, looking up you saw your wandering friend looking down at you while smiling. "Was wait'en for ya to get up." He said and then pulled away slowly and stood up to dust himself off than reaching his hand out in front of your face. "May I help a fine lady like yourself up?" He asked and you smiled bashfully, feeling the blush on your cheeks rise, soon you took his hand as he pulled you up. "Thank you." You said and he tipped the front of his hat to you while winking. "Never hurts to help."

Than the sound of what you assumed to be wood falling on the ground as heard as you turned to see your Zbornak friend standing by where you was camping for the night. 'Wait, wood this ear- ' you looked up and saw that the sun was about to set, 'How long have we been hugging?' You though as you soon heard Wander shout while running to his tall friend.

"Syl you won't believe it! Me and (y/n) was hugging for so long it was so sweet!" He shouted while wrapping his arms around himself. "That's great buddy." She said while looking over at you, giving you, 'the look' as she made the fire.

Wander was to busy distracting himself with the things around himself to notice you two making eye contact. You gulped looking away from your friend as she soon started to walk over towards you after making the fire and was now standing in front of you. "Oh Syl, where are ya going now?" Wander asked and she turned her head around. "Just having a girls talk with (y/n)." She said smiling and he gasped while smiling and than ran over. "Can I get in on this too?" He asked and she shook her head softly. "Sorry buddy but this is a little private." She said softly and he only nodded, a small tint of sadness in his voice as he spoke. "Oh, ok I'll leave ya two alone." And he walked over and sat by the fire, grabbing some things out of his hat and watching the fire dance.

You and Sylvia walked a few more feet away from the fire until she though it was a good distance enough for you two to talk. "Soooooo." She said smiling and you looked away nervously. "Sooooooo what?" You asked and she raised her arm to point back at the orange Star Nomad with her thumb. "What, Wander?" You asked and she nodded. "When are you gonna tell him." She said, "tell him what?" You said nervously.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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