Jackson Nicknames Part 6

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Prevouisly On Jackson Nick Names  

  Michael#2: Sorry 

Mike: Really 

Michael #2: Nope She Just Mazde Me So In My Csue Your Boteh duummiyes 

Michael: Are You Okay Did You Just Say All The Words Wrong? 

Michael#2: Yez 

Michael: i think there is something wrong with you, i mean you seem well

(Mike Jackson is Michael Jackson Jr.'s older brother)

Mike Jackson:  Do you mean he is??

Jam: He's Drunk??

Michael: Yes

Michael#2: i am not drunkjh

Michael: see you are you can't even say words

Isabelle: Guys he's not drunk he's gone

Mike Jackson: what do you mean he's gone?

Isabelle: He lost His own Mind so he loses his words and you know He's a robot

All: What??

Isabelle: Yes. I i mean he replaced himself with a robot so he could go stay with his step-kids since Ghost couldn't take care of them it's his job and he also wanted to get away from his father and siblings even his twin brother

Michael: So my son is a robot??

Mike Jackson: You are not listening to her are you?

Michael: No

Mike Jackson: That's what i thought

Michael: okay then Mike tell Me what she said

Mike Jackson: he replaced himself with a robot so he could go stay with his step-kids since Ghost couldn't take care of them it's his job and he also wanted to get away from his father and siblings even his twin brother.

Michael: Oh really??

Mike Jackson: Heck Yeah

Michael: MICHAEL#2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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