and the winner is...................

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Hi dad Hi Izzy Hi robot Michael Hi Izzie oh boy here we go again well i have you to here because i know who the winner is.... So and the winner is!!!!!! drum roll please Bigi thank you *drums* my dad!!!!!!!!!!!! really i won!! said Dad. Wait he won? said the robot Michael. Yes he did win you know that idoit he only won because you sneak up on me at night and hang out with me without my dad or paris or prince or Bigi or mom  knowing so you loose idoit get out buster and dont come back! Okay but you will see me again maybe you wont see anyone in your family Said robot Michael GET OUT!!!! NOW DUMMY OR ELSE YOU WILL PAY A WHOLE LOT OF MONEY LIKE OVER A BILLION

Michael Jackson Really is my dadDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora