X Part Five X

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As Kody sent it Lumine grabbed the phone back, he stared at it as he got a quick response from Dustin.
'Umm okay you could of told me you were busy' Lumines eyes got wide and quickly texted back as Kody sat there  with a smirk.
'I didn't send that!' Lumine said but didn't get a response.
"I guess he doesn't like me" He said with a pout, Kody was still smirking.
"All that matters is that I like you" Kody quickly kissed Lumine as he started blushing. Lumines eyes were wide and his face quickly turned to a deep red, he soon gave in and kissed him back. Aiden opened the door and Hit Kodys back sense he was leaning against the door, Kody tackled Lumine as the kiss broke.
"Kody, Lumine you got.......What just happened?" Aiden said shipping them so bad. Kody quickly got up and stood and put his usal emotionless face on.
"I was frinking leaning on the door and you f*cking made me tackle him!" He said blushing like crazy.
"Oh yes yes, sorry, are you okay!" Aiden said as he remembered what he was there for.
"What do you think!" Kody responded as Lumine sat on the floor listening.
"Oh yes,  there is someone here for Lumine" Aiden smiled as Lumine nodded getting up as Aiden walked off.
"Are you okay Kody" Lumine quickly asked.
"My back hurts like h*ll" He said acting if nothing happened.
'He's acting like nothing happened did he not like it, or did he change his mind, or-' Lumines thinking process was cut off as Kody waved his hand in front of his face.
"Sorry!" Lumine said remembering about the visitor.
"Let's go see who it is!" Lumine said dashing down stairs as Kody quickly followed. When Lumine came down the door was opened as Dustin stood there.
"Hi, what are you doing here" Lumine asked happily.
"I need to tell something even if Kody is here" He said as Kody shot him a glare.
"Okay" Lumine said his tail wagging.
"Well I like you Lumine and have for aw-" He got cut off by Kody.
"Stay away from him!" He said standing in front of Lumine, Lumines tail stopped wagging.
"Why?  He's not yours is he" He said glaring at Kody.
"Um well him choose!" Kody said looking at Lumine.
"Um" Lumine said confused.
"Better yet kiss the one you want" Dustin said folding his arms.
"Do it" Kody said knowing after what happened he would chose Kody.
Lumine nodded and kissed.......

Cliff hanger but guess who he chose.

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