Start from the beginning

"You okay?" I nod and hold in another cough, yet feeling a bit more relaxed. I stared at the girl, who despite being younger, was very grown up and made me feel like a child.

I stare down at my bruised knuckles and my, as I suspected, bruised wrists. With a sigh, I turn to her, cigarette between my fingers.

"What the hell was I thinking Beverly?" My brown eyes stare straight into her blue ones. "I'm not a fighter, hell I don't know what came over me," She watches my expressions change intently. "And it wouldn't be the first time. That I've said or done something I usually wouldn't. But he does that to me, y'know?" I feel sadness strike itself into my heart yet again.

Beverly sighs and I can tell she's unsure of her next words.

"It sounds like you have feelings for him," I whip my head to face her. "I don't. I can't. You know how he is. What kind of person would I be if I loved someone like that?"

She takes another drag of her cigarette.

"Right." She agrees as if hoping that's what my decision would be. "Besides, I'll be out of here soon," I say, mostly to myself. I can't imagine staying here any longer than I have to.

Beverly and I finish lunch hour, eating Twizzlers and me coughing up cigarette smoke. After the bell rings, I stay where I'm at, not having it in me to go to Phys Ed.

"Here," Beverly gets up and hands me the carton of cigarettes, which now holds only two. "For practice." She gives me a wink before walking back inside the school, I stare after her. I slip the box in my bag and don't move.

I scowl as I inspect my bruised wrists. Not because they hurt, but because I know after today, Henry's never going to want to see me again.

I think about what Beverly said. The thought of me liking Henry made me feel horrible, but the thought of him possibly liking me back seemed to cloud my judgment.

"What the hell are you doing, Lorraine?" I mutter to myself.


It's eleven o'clock.

I poke at the cold cheese fries in front of me. Tonight's dinner is especially quiet.

For the first time since we arrived in Derry, my dad rushed home to greet us with food that you can't make in a microwave. Which is what he usually did when he announced we were going to leave.


Good riddance, Derry.

Good riddance, Henry.

"So girls," My dad begins his speech. Charlie forks some salad into her mouth and looks at him.

"If you couldn't tell, I've got some news." I sip my Cola and face him, awaiting his all too familiar words. "I was offered a new position," Not the news I was expecting, but alright. "And I accepted it. It's great, girls. Better pay, fewer hours, and, the best part, no more moving around."

My heart sinks. He's not serious.

"What do you mean, no more moving?" I demand nervously. My father, however, is far too happy to notice the anxious tone in my voice. "It means, this is it."

"We finally have a place to call home," He grabs my hand and squeezes it.


𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝙇𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙔 ☆ 𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗬 𝗕𝗢𝗪𝗘𝗥𝗦Where stories live. Discover now