Trevor Imagine: He helps your raise your son from a previous marraige

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You met Trevor right after your divorce from your ex husband. When you first met Trevor you instantly fell in love with him. Yes, Trevor was a mess but you knew you could fix him up. Once you and Trevor got to know each other a little bit you finally got up the courage to tell him you had a 6 year old son. His name was Riley and Trevor honestly didn't care. He loved you for you and he told you that he'd love your son like he was his own. That made you smile. Once you had Trevor all cleaned up and his ugly trailer all cleaned up, you decided it was time Trevor met Riley. Trevor was extremely nervous but you reassured him that Riley would love him so you gave Trevor a kiss and drove to your babysitters house to pick him up. When you picked him up he was so happy. He told you all what your best friend (Y/BF/N) had done with him and how he helped (G/Y/BF) make cookies and all kinds of yummy treats. You couldn't help but smile at how happy he was and you knew he was going to love Trevor. When you arrived in front of the trailer, Riley looked at you concerned and said, "Mommy, where are we? This isn't home." You giggled a bit "I know honey. I want you to meet my special friend. Do you remember how I told you that you might have a daddy soon?" He nodded excitedly "Am I meeting my new daddy, mommy? What if he doesn't like me mommy? What if I'm too messy or if I'm too excited?" You giggled once more at how concerned the 6 year old was and helped him out of the car. He held your hand tight as you walked inside the trailer. Trevor was standing at the counter attempting to make spaghetti. He had the most confused look on his face and you couldn't help but find it adorable. He then looked up and saw you two standing there. "Hey gorgeous. This must be Riley?" He said walking over. You nodded smiling as Trevor kissed you gently and knelt down in front of him. "Well you certainly get your good looks from you mommy. How are you kiddo?" Riley looked at Trevor scared but then warmed up and just hugged him. You smiled big as you watched them start bonding. This was perfect. Everything was perfect and you couldn't be happier.

(Y/BF/N)= Your best friends name
(G/Y/BF) = Gender of your best friend

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