Michael Imagine: He leaves you pregnant at the alter

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You and Michael met several years ago. You guys hadn't been dating long until Michael popped the question. You of course said yes, how could you say no to such an amazing guy. You guys stayed engaged for about a year and a half and we're going to wait longer until you became pregnant with your daughter. When you were about 5 months pregnant Michael decided it was time you two start planning the wedding. You agreed and everything started. 3 months later everything was planned. You were currently 8 months pregnant and ready to just get everything done with. When the wedding day came you decided to walk barefoot down the isle since well your shoes didn't fit from how swollen your feet had become. You knew Michael wouldn't care and that made you smile. As the ceremony started and you began walking down the isle, something didn't feel right. You looked up and saw Michael was no where to be seen. You stopped dead in your tracks and looked around frantically. You then realized he was gone and no where to be seen. You were so hurt. Not only for yourself but for the small child that was due to be born any day now.

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