➖chapter five➖

Start from the beginning

"Chipper as always, Bex," Davina chuckles. "Your mood swings never did cease to amaze me."

"You know me, D. Always one thing to be pissed off about," Rebekah replies with a grim smile.

"Hey, quick question. Are your brothers still in town? I haven't seen any of them for a while," Davina questions.

"Um, I'm actually not sure. They should all still be in town, excluding Finn. You're kind of keeping us glued here, but I wouldn't be surprised if they scatter in a few days."

"That's a shame. I do enjoy when the whole family is together," Davina wistfully comments. "Hey, I never gave this a thought...whatever happened to Mikael?"

"Oh, Mikael," Rebekah groans. "That was a bloody mess. He was turned as well, but still always had it on the outs with Nik. Since we stuck together, we all had targets on our backs. We all fled from our father, who became the vampire who hunts vampires."

"I can't say that surprises me. Mikael was always...rough towards you guys, especially Klaus."

"Now that's putting it lightly. He was a scoundrel and a poor excuse for a father." Their conversation slows to a halt when Damon approaches the two of them.

"Did I ever tell you that you're sexy when you're bitchy," Damon asks, aiming his question at Rebekah. Davina awkwardly looks between the two of them.

"Should I leave, or..."

"No, you stay," Rebekah quickly says. "But you. Why are you talking to me? You were quite rude to me the other day, using me to help Stefan and then shooting me away like a stray dog."

"Oh, but that was brother business. You can't hold that against me. Besides, I really did appreciate your help, even if I didn't show it," Damon tells her with a smirk.

"You were mean," Rebekah huffs outright.

"You like mean," he replies seductively, only confusing Davina.

"I'm sorry, but I thought you and Elena..." Davina trails off when she sees the looks being shot at her.

"You...you've really been getting around town, haven't you? I saw you yesterday with Elena, in fact. What's your name?"

Davina rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "You know, I thought that you and Stefan were competing to see which of you would win Elena's heart. If you think sleeping with someone else is going to get that, then you're not that bright."

"I'm not just going to keep waiting around for Elena to make up her mind. If you want to stop by, Rebekah, Sage will be there. Two's company, but three's a party." The two of them walk off, leaving Davina and Rebekah to contemplate what happened.

"So...what are you going to do? Whether this is a plan he concocted, or if he's really over Elena, I want you to be happy, Rebekah," Davina tells her sincerely, causing Rebekah to smile at her.

"Thanks, D. I don't know what I'm going to do...I might stop by, see what's up over there. We'll see what happens from that point," Rebekah murmurs.

"Uh, alright. Just be careful, okay? I'd rather you not get hurt," Davina warns.

"Don't worry, I can protect myself," Rebekah assures her.

"I meant emotionally," Davina responds with meaningful look. "I'll be back at your house if you need me. Later on, we'll burn the...you know what."


Davina arrives back at the Mikaelson residence and crashes down on the couch. She lays down on her back and closes her eyes, hoping for a rest.

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