Josh is back (chapter 49)

Start from the beginning

“We have a code 123. A boy about 14 years old has made it into the building and could be anywhere. Probably going to the ultrasound room,” the secretary says as the people in the waiting room get antsy.

“It’s ok, don’t panic, the boy just wanted to go see his friend and I wouldn’t let him,” the secretary explains calmly, but people panicked anyway.

Josh’s POV

Here’s the room. he puts his ear to the cold, metal door.

“Elizabeth you are pregnant” a doctor says.

“Really?” Elizabeth asks shocked.

“There he is!” a security guard yells as he points to Josh.

Josh opens the door to get into the ultrasound room.

“Josh! What the hell are you doing here?” Elizabeth spats out.

“I just got released from this place, and heard you were here, what are YOU doing here?” Josh argues back.

“Getting an ultrasound, duh!” Elizabeth says pointing to her stomach.

“So you can let Niall get you pregnant? But every time I tried to do something like that with you you would just deny it? What the hell, that’s just wrong Elizabeth,” Josh screams at her.

“Josh let me explain,” Elizabeth says almost pleading.

“No Elizabeth, I get it. You never loved me. You could care less about me. Well whatever, bye Elizabeth.” Josh says almost crying then leaving the room.

Elizabeth hears Josh in the hallway talking with the security guards.

“Get your hands off me, I’m leaving.” Josh replies angrily to the security guards grabbing him.

The security guards let go of him but they follow him until he gets off the property.

~~~back in the ultrasound room~~~

“As you were saying about me not being pregnant, how did this mix up happen?” Elizabeth asks confused.

“Well, it happens from time to time. Do you remember the nurse’s name that helped you that day?” the doctor asks Elizabeth.

“Ummm, yeah her name was Amy Johnson,” Elizabeth replies confidently.

“Ok, I’ll call her up and ask her why she told you were pregnant,” the doctor replies.

~~~10 minutes later~~~

“Hi Amy, we have a quick question for you,” the doctor says as she walks into the room.

“Ok, what is it?” Amy asks hesitating a little.

“Well you told Elizabeth Jones that she was pregnant. Nothing in her paperwork said she was pregnant.. So why did you tell her that?” the doctor asks her raising his eyebrow.

“Well, at the end of her paperwork there was something about pregnancy so I assumed she was and just treated it the way I normally would, I only skimmed her folder, we were really busy that day,” the nurse explains shyly.

“Ok, thank you.” The doctor replies and excuses her.

“Thanks for clearing that up doctor. If you don’t mind I think I am going to go and get some rest before my surgery, it’s been a pretty crazy morning.” Elizabeth says with a giggle and starts to walk out of the room.

“Can you guys wait a minute?” the doctor whispers.

Elizabeth and Niall nod their heads yes.

“Well I wanted to wait until the other nurses and doctors were out of here to ask this… but can I have your autograph Niall? My daughter is a huge fan,” the doctor asks with a faint blush.

“Sure, who do I make this out to?” Niall asks with a pen in his hand.

“Umm, erm, Jackson.” The doctor mutters under his breath.

 Elizabeth holds back a laugh as Niall signs it.

“Thanks,” the doctor says blushing as they leave the room.

~~~In the car~~~

“Is Jackson some American name for a girl?

“No, that was his name Niall,” Elizabeth says laughing.

Author’s note: Just to make this clear when Josh heard ‘Elizabeth you are pregnant’ he couldn’t hear that well because of the door and other noises going on. The doctor actually said ‘Elizabeth you AREN’T pregnant. I just wanted to clear that up so no one would be confused. Thanks for reading <3

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