"Tzuyu-ah, aren't you hungry?"

"Chewy, study later, eat first"

"Tzuyu, your food is turning cold"

"Tzuyu-ah, come and eat"

Now all her members knew that she was studying Korean but not to this extent. Tzuyu often studied Korean and isolated herself. They thought it was normal and they viewed her as mature but she viewed herself as nothing but stupid. Tzuyu wanted to tell someone how she felt, how she was suffering in silence, how she felt her members were neglecting her. But she didn't want the members to suddenly treat her differently just because she told them. She thought that if they were real friends then they would notice. But she didn't want to confide in someone outside of the group, as she thought it would be pointless. All groups are different and all people are. There would be useless opinions and advice from people she knew, didn't care much. 

So she bottled it up.

She bottled it up and when that bottle was about to explode, she decided to just stretch it like rubber. Keeping it all in, instead of letting it out. Not Tzuyu isn't egoistical, she's just insecure. There's a huge difference between the two but people often view it as the same thing/ Saying that she had too much ego to tell her members, and saying that she was too scared to, is very different. 

She used to talk to Sana but Sana left her too. She never understood the change of heart but she didn't want to ask why.

Sana used to be her pillar. She felt comfortable around her. She felt safe. A feeling she only felt at home. But randomly one day at a fan meet, Sana didn't stay around her, Sana went around the other members, mainly Dahyun. She thought Sana was just being her usual snakey self but she was wrong. 

Sana started haing out with Dahyun more. Sana, unknowingly, started ignoring Tzuyu. Tzuyu lost her pillar. Her stronghold. Her second home. 

She decided to build even more walls to protect herself. Higher, thicker, so no one would be able to break down her walls. So no one could hurt her. But Sana didn't know. Sana didn't know that Tzuyu depended on her. Sana knew to an extent that Tzuyu suffered with her Korean. But Sana didn't know Tzuyu needed her. So, she went off. Tzuyu didn't bother asking to be friends again. She felt like a burden. She thought that Sana only hung out with her because she felt pity. And that, is not what she wants.

Tzuyu now hangs around the leader a lot. Now, Jihyo also doesn't know much, but Jihyo knows that Tzuyu came here at a young age. Jihyo knows that Tzuyu has difficulties. With what? Jihyo didn't specifically know. Jihyo didn't want to push Tzuyu's boundaries. Jihyo only knew the general gist of how Tzuyu felt and suffered. Jihyo tried her best to protect and shelter Tzuyu. But even with all this love that Tzuyu does appreciate, she found it hard to be 100% comfortable with Jihyo. Of course as friends Jihyo doesn't mind that Tzuyu needs a coupld of seconds to think or that Tzuyu stutters. Jihyo knows that it's hard. Jihyo herself struggles learning Japanes. She knows the struggle of not being able to communicate well, but wanting to. Jihyo wants to show her support to the J-Onces, but she isn't able to express it as all as she wants.

Tzuyu knows this. Tzuyu loves hanging out with Jihyo and talking to Jihyo. But Jihyo has never known the struggle of not being able to speak to her members. Jihyo is korean. Jihyo was born in Korea, therefore is fluent. 

Tzuyu hangs out a lot with Jihyo, Whether it be at the dorm, at gigs or at shows. Tzuyu is starting to feel that homey feeling that she used to feel with Sana, with Jihyo. Tzuyu appreciates Jihyo, along with all of her other members. Tzuyu appreciates how Jihyo takes the time to help her when she's struggling and how Jihyo helps her on shows when Tzuyu can't think of the right word.

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