Chapter 3: The fight and some conversations

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean by that?" Glancing back over to me with a questioning look.

"I have trained my body for 8 years or more making me quite strong. So trust me when I say not very normal."

"I was wondering, why are you in here anyway. You seem like a nice person."

"W-well... That's a sensitive topic for me." I say laughing awkwardly while scratching the back of my head.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I was just curious."

"There was a man that killed my entire family and tortured me for 3 years. Soooo I killed him getting revenge for me and my family, I went to the police to tell them what happened but they just threw me in prison calling me a monster. I went to many different prisons but escaped every single one they put me in and that's how I ended up here." I explained not looking at him, he was still looking at me as he hummed in response. "But hey that's the past, who cares about then, right now really matters the most."

I looked at him then back ahead, he was about to say something before Yamato interrupted.

"Alright everyone! It's time to eat lunch!" We all stopped running ad regrouped, I looked back and saw Jyugo, Nico, and Uno in the very back panting really hard as they collapsed to the ground.

Rock was running next to Upa they had a bit of sweat trickling down their foreheads but that was it. Qi was sitting on a bench with a book over his face asleep, Yamato was in front running super fast as Samon was on the side watching us all.

Liang and I where in front of everyone else, not breaking a sweat the entire time, We walked back towards everyone. I helped Uno, Jyugo, and Nico up as they hung onto me still panting in exhaustion. I threw Jyugo and Nico to Rock so he could carry them. We walked over to Yamao as he informed us that we were going to eat lunch then begin training again right after. Uno had his arm over my shoulder walking with my help, he smirked down at me, I looked up at him with a questioning gaze.

"I'm glad you decided to help me instead of Jyugo or Nico, my princess." He said pulling me closer to him, my face flushed slightly from the nickname he gave me. I shook my head quickly getting rid of the pink on my cheeks. I removed his arm from my shoulder making him stumble slightly.

"Well you are taller than me making it easier to carry you." I said walking away with him stumbling along behind me. I was walking beside Rock now as I sighed.

"What's wrong Akira?" Rock questioned

"Eh nothing, just thinking how desperate Uno is." I laughed slightly after finishing my sentence. "Are you ready to eat? Cause I'm starving." I patted my stomach looking up at Rock a large grin spread across my face.

"Oh yea! I'm so hungry I could eat a horse! I wonder what its gonna be, hopefully it'll be good since Shiro isn't gonna be cooking for us!" Rock exclaimed looking down at me a big smile on his face. "Man I'm glad to have someone that loves food as much as I do." He patted my back hard making me stumble slightly. I catch myself and begin to laugh.

"Yea me too! I never had anyone to talk to or be friends with in my old prison... Everyone was to afraid of me." I said looking at me feet, Jyugo and Uno appeared on the other side of me.

"Why is that?" Jyugo asks casually, putting his hands behind his head as we walked.

"Weeeeellll.... A group of men tried to claim me as their bitch, forcefully might I add. And I wasn't standing for it so, I beat them to a bloody pulp. After that I was placed in my own cell and everyone was to afraid to come up and talk to me." I say fixing my ponytails before looking up at the three who were looking at me eyes widened.

"Remind me never to piss you off." Rock said laughing slightly as he pat my head. We sat down and began to eat the food placed in front of us. We laughed and talked until it was time to start training again.

-----Time skippp----

We just finished training and almost everyone was exhausted, Yamato pushed us really hard. Nico and Jyugo were passed out after 1 hour, Uno collapsed after an hour and a half. Rock and I finished the entire thing but He was exhausted, I on the other hand was lightly sweating. We said goodbye to the inmates of building 5 and hopped into the carriage. I stuck my tongue out to monkey boy before we left causing him to go on a rampage, yelling at me while stomping around. I laughed at him as we began to drive away.

My friends and I talked the entire way back, reaching our building we hopped out of the carriage. We walked back into our cell and got ready for bed, I took a shower and brushed out my hair. Walking out of the bathroom I sat on my bed which was in the middle of everyone else's, our futons were also in the middle of the cell.

I looked at each of them a smile breaking out onto my face, I hadn't been this happy since I was 7. I felt something wet on my face, I reached my hand up and felt tears drip down... I was crying.

"Are you ok Aki-chan!! Why are you crying!" Nico exclaimed jumping onto my futon a worried expression plastered on his face.

"Yea, I'm fine. Don't worry, these tears are from happiness. I was just thinking how happy I was, I honestly haven't been this happy since I was 7.... Even if I only met you guys yesterday. I think of you as my friends and I'm very glad to have met you all." I say wiping away the tears that escaped my eyes.

"Were happy we met you too Aki-chan!"

"That's right princess."

"I'm glad to have an eating buddy as good as you Akira!"

"Yea your pretty cool, I guess." They all responded to me sitting in front of me. I grinned even wider as I laughed and jumped on them.

"Thank you guys!!" I say hugging them all as we fell down, we all laughed still in a pile as they hug me back. 'They broke down my walls already, I think I'm gonna stay here for a while!' I think to myself. We got off each other and begin to get in bed seeing it was dark out already.

"Good night guys. Sleep good." I say before we fall asleep.

"G'night Aki-chan!"

"Good night princess."

"Night Akira."

"Good night."

They all responded as I fell asleep a small smile sitting on my lips. 'Maybe my life is finally going good.'


Finished! I really enjoyed writing this chapter for some reason. It gave me the feels and I hope it did to you too!

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