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It has been a long few days but we had made it. Everyone was told of Anthonys condition and everyone had reacted differently.

Scott had been in denial. Bruce had left to contemplate and I hadn't heard him since. Steve sat down and talked to Tony for a solid two hours, a heart to heart that I gave them space for. It wasn't my conversation to have. Nat had broken down and almost cried. Thor gave a reassuring smile and a 'it will be better, brother.'-like deliverance that gave Tony a beam of happy. Clint tried to blunt the news with non-stop jokes over the past two days, most of witch made it obvious he was trying to hide his feelings. Eventually Peter came back home and he has been doing nothing but clean and study, clean and study, clean and study.

All of those reactions are normal reactions to grief, but Peters had been the most concerning to me. Peter, only seventeen, had been self-blaming and attempting to make it up. Although he has nothing to make it up I could tell her felt helpless; like he couldn't do anything so maybe if he got that A and maybe if the house was clean it would all be okay. The worst part about it though is that it had given me flashbacks.

Victor had done the same thing when Donna had drowned.

Okay so I'm stopping this just because it feels way out ta my way to write this type of thing, its not what I normally do, and I just don't want to do it. On top of it I have school and all of the bullshit pressure that I put on myself on top of my parents starting to know how bad my mental health is: I just can't do it. I kinda wanna delete this while account but I've done things like that before on almost every social media I've had at least once (three times for tumblr) so I just won't because I know it makes things worse later. Bye.

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