"But I wanna kiss the booboo away." He whined. "Please~"

"No." I said, looking away.

"Please~" I could see him attempting aegyo.

"Fine." I sighed. I flipped the camera around and showed him my ankle."

"Chu~" Kiseok leaned in to kiss the camera. "There! It should feel so much better!"

"It does!" I laughed. "So, how was your day?"

"Let me tell you!" Kiseok started. "I had to go to work today since you know, it's a Saturday and no one wants to go. Thank god my boss gave me raise today. That was the only good thing about today."

"Seriously?!" I raised my eyebrows. "There's no way."

"Well, I mean you're the best thing that happened today." Kiseok smiled.

"Oh, stop." I told him. "Continue your story."

"Anyway, so there was this girl. You know that one guy's girlfriend? What was his name? I think his last name was Na?" Kiseok asked.

"Na Jaemin?" I asked.

"Yeah! Him!" Kiseok's face lit up. "Nice dude, by the way. His girlfriend, on the other hand, is a bitch!"

"How?" I laughed. "She can't be that bad."

"Oh, honey." Kiseok said. "She was the bitchiest of the bitches. You know how you can order a special drink as long you tell the cashier the recipe to give to the barista?" I nodded. "Well, she had a generic recipe, nothing too hard. So, I followed the recipe as she stated and handed her the drink. But get this, she took a sip and said she wouldn't pay for it."

"But, she took a sip from a product. In other words, she should be paying for it." I said. "And shouldn't you have charged her before you made the drink?"

"You see, I tried to charge her beforehand, but she would not pay. She would only pay after her drink was made." He said. "Continuing on my story, she handed the drink back to me and ordered me to remake it. My anger level was just starting to begin at this point."

"So, what did you do?" I asked him.

"I took the drink back and remade it to what she said was lacking. But when I gave it back to her, she handed it back and wanted it remade. At this point, I'm the only barista available and the cashier kept handing me orders." Kiseok said. "So, I tell her that I'll fix her drink after all of the other customers have been served with their first drink. But get this? This bitch has the audacity to say that she has to be served first regardless if there's a long line of people waiting."

"Well, then that's not fair!" I said. "If she does that, then she's holding up service!"

"That's what I told her!" Kiseok said. "Finally, someone gets me!"

"So what happened in the end?" I asked.

"The cashier finally came over to assist with the orders since there was no one else buying while I had to deal with the crazy girlfriend." Kiseok rambled. I looked at the time at the top of my phone. The time said 11:38. I looked back at Kiseok. He stopped in his story. "What is it, sweetie?" He asked me.

"It's just that it's getting late, and I need to sleep." I told him.

"Aww," he pouted. "Alright, night~"

"Night~" We both gave each other a kissy face through the screen before hanging up.

"Are you guys done?" Jaemin poked his head into the room. I nodded. He came in, opening the door as wide as possible and walked to his dresser.

"Do you need anything?" I asked him.

"Just my clothes to go to sleep in." He said, scavenging through the drawer. He stopped, frowned and looked at the bed. "I think I might've left it on the bed somewhere."

"Oh, I can get off." I told him.

"No," he shook his head. "You're injured and need rest. I can find it if I look hard enough."

"If you're sure." I told him. I shifted myself as best I could to the corner of the bed and swung my legs over the bedside to reduce the amount of space I took up. I patiently waited for Jaemin to find his clothes only to see him pop up out of his position.

"You know what?" Jaemin said. "I think it might be in my backpack. I had to bring my pajamas cause a friend of mine had a sleep over Thursday night."

"Well, go check it then!" I told him.

"Alright," he said, walking towards the door and turned around. "Good night."

"Night." I told him. He turned off the lights and closed the door. I crashed into the bed and fell asleep. 


A Coincidence of a Marriage ⤇ A Na Jaemin Fanfiction ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें