"The doctor will be here in five minutes." Jaemin's dad said. "So, how do you like it here, Jieun?"

"I love it." I plastered on a smile. "It's nice and cozy, but it still has a decent amount of space."

"Good, good." He nodded. "When we bought this apartment for Jaemin, we had to meet his demanding requirements."

"It wasn't that bad." I blew it off.

"Oh, sweetie." His mom laughed. "The requirements were about ten pages long." I turned to Jaemin, raising my eyebrow. That was longer than the essays he wrote at school. He only gave me a half smile before turning back the attention to his mom.

"That's just like Jieun!" My mom exclaimed. I looked at my mom in surprise.

"I don't have that many requirements." I told her. "Right?"

"Have you seen yourself?" My mom looked at me. "You gave your dad and I a headache when you were choosing your room. You liked all of the rooms, but then you didn't, but then you did, and then we finally just put you in a random room and that was your room."

"Well, I was experiencing the moving mood." I told her. "It's the mood where you like a place, but you don't want to because you don't want to move, yet you still like the place. I was going through that faze."

"Sure, you were, sweetheart. Sure, you were." My mom sighed. She turned her attention to my dad, who was reading his newspaper and hit his arm. "Yah! What are you doing? We're having a family dinner!"

"But I didn't get to read my newspaper this morning!" My dad whined. "You took it away from me! You know how painful it is to reread the cartoons?"

"Ahh, Woojin, you never really changed." Jaemin's dad laughed.

"Shut up, Jungsin." My dad whined. "My newspaper was taken away from me, so I had to bring it here to read."

"Just like your favorite book series?" Jaemin's mom raised her eyebrow.

"Yes!" My dad said. "Just like my book series in high school!"

"Wait, you guys went to high school together?" I asked. "Woah, tell me the story."

"You should've seen your dad, Jieun." Jaemin's dad began. "He was the wimpiest kid in the block."

"But mom told me that he beat up a few kids." I turned my head towards my mom. She just shrugged.

"I remembered that he beat up a few kids." She said.

"Well, he was there with us when we did beat up a few kids." Jaemin's dad admitted. "But every time a punch was even threatened on him, he was 'No! My mom will kill me if my face is touched!'"

"It's true!" My dad replied. "She told me every day to make sure that my face was spotless by the time I went home!"

"Sure, she did." Jaemin's dad laughed. "Remember how we met Wendy?"

"Yes!" Jaemin's mom exclaimed. "I remember how Woojin was so excited to introduce to us a friend, but I mean we could tell it meant crush."

Ding Dong!

"That's the food." Jaemin got up. He went to get the food and came back. "There's only enough for two since that's what we ordered, so would you like us to order more?"

"Yes, please." My mom said. "You can choose the dish."

"We can choose?" I turned towards my mom, a smile formed on my face.

"Yes, Jieun." My mom exasperated.

"Ok~" I took the menu from Jaemin's hand and moved myself towards the front door on my crutches. Thank god the guy was still there waiting for payment. "Is it ok if I order some more food. We'll pay extra."

"Yes, it should be fine." The delivery guy said.

"So, I would like two bowls of jjampong, and a plate of spring rolls, one bowl of jajangmyeon and six boba teas." I told the guy.

"I'll go tell the chefs and be back in a while." The guy said before closing his box and biked away. I moved myself back to my seat.

"What did you order?" My mom asked.

"You'll see." I told her.

"It better not be spring rolls." My said. "You know how I hate spring rolls."

"Don't worry!" I told her. "Everything was taken care of!"

"Oh, yeah!" Jaemin's mom exclaimed. "You never really liked spring rolls back then either. Why was that?"

"I just don't like how warm the vegetables get in a fried dough." My mom shuddered.

"But some of them are cold." Jaemin said.

"Yeah, but then they add a weird sauce to it and it doesn't suit my taste." My mom said. "I don't know, I'm just weird like that."

"I see." Jaemin nodded.

Ding Dong! The doorbell rang again and Jaemin went to get the food.

"Well, good news is, we have food for dinner." Jaemin came into the dining room. "Bad news is, we have spring rolls."


double update?

A Coincidence of a Marriage ⤇ A Na Jaemin Fanfiction ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें