Chapter 4: Organizing the Place

Start from the beginning

"Which brings me to my next discussion." I said. "You need to tell me ahead of time when she's going to come over so that way I can figure out a way to make myself disappear."

"Oh, yeah." He pulled out his phone. "I have a schedule of our next dates. The only problem is she comes over whenever she wants to."

"Oh." I said. "Oh shit."

"Yeah..." Jaemin trailed off. "That's why I need you to take the room, so we can hide your stuff in the storage room in there. She's only looked inside of that room once and has never looked at again."

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. "Can we at least shove my boxes in the farthest corner of the room?"

"You can." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "Next room!"

He led me over to a room enclosed by a door. A sign hung from a thumbtack on the door that said 'Jaemin's Room'. I stared at it in confusion before asking.

"Why do you have a sign that says it's your room?"

"It was from my house with my parents, and I wanted to bring it over here to keep. It reminds me of home." He smiled as he touched the sign. "Anyway, this is where you're going to be staying until we sort out the divorce papers."

"Lit." I said as he opened the door.

Inside lay a bed that was big enough for four. In front of the bed was a small couch. A bedside table was to the right of the bed while the dresser was on the other side of the bed. A bathroom was connected to the room, the door wide open.

I walked towards the bathroom and saw that a giant bathtub lay to the right of the bathroom when I took my first step. The toilet was behind another small door across the bathtub and the shower was beside the bathtub. The sink was in front of the bathtub and shower, on the other side of the room. Beside the sink was another door where I assumed where the closet was.

"That door over there is the storage room." Jaemin pointed at the door near the sink.

"I thought it was your closet." I told him.

"It was supposed to, but I had too much shit so it became a storage room. The dresser outside is my 'closet'." He pointed at the dresser outside.

"I see." I nodded. "So, where do I keep my clothes?"

"The storage room?" His voice grew higher in pitch. "I mean it is supposed to be a closet."

"I'll see if I can fit it." I sighed. I walked over to the door and opened it.

A pile of clothing fell out once I opened the door to the black hole. I stared at the pile for a while before opening the door further and seeing a mountain of stuff. There were boxes on boxes and articles of clothing were beginning to pile up. I could even see some towels stuffed within the mountain and small glint of a box of toys. I took another deep breath before turning towards Jaemin.

"All of this shit is going to go." I told him.

"No!" He protested before standing in front of his stuff. "You can't!"

"But I need to put my stuff in there somehow!" I picked up a shirt and checked the size. "And this stuff is for little kids! Why do you need it?"

"For baby showers and maybe my future kids." He mumbled. He then raised his voice. "Look, I'll figure out a way to remove some of this stuff and you figure out a way to shove your things in there."

"I don't think so." I told him. "I'm going to be the one who will figure out a way to get rid of some stuff and you can just watch."

"But what if you throw out something valuable?" He whined.

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