Episode 1

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You held your head down on the desk, arms used as a pillow as you only peaked with one eye out, the teacher was walking around the classroom, handing out the papers from last week's test

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You held your head down on the desk, arms used as a pillow as you only peaked with one eye out, the teacher was walking around the classroom, handing out the papers from last week's test.

"68%" The teacher states as he continues walking around the room.

"How disappointing is that for a class average... I told you all time and time again that we have tutors available after school" The teacher states "Everyday of the week but you guys never utilize it. And do you even read your books? Also no I'm not gonna curve it not give out extra credit. I'm not spoiling any of you any longer"

The teacher finally gets to your desk as she taps your shoulder politely with a smile on her face. You lift your head up to face hers.

"However, the only exception in this class is Miss L/N here, who scored a 105% on her test" The teacher showed off as she hands you our paper. The class around gave their 'oohs' and 'ahs' "Congratulations Miss L/N"

You took the paper as you stared at it before elegantly putting it in your bag with no real care.

"How did you score over a hundred?! I only got a 55%!" A girl you sat by asked in astonishment.

"That's amazing! You're way smart as hell, you should tutor me Y/N" Another exclaimed.

"Not really a surprise, after all Y/N is the smartest girl in our class" Somebody else informed.

"Maybe in the whole school!"

You have a slight sigh as you flipped your hair over your shoulder. 'I wonder what's for lunch today'

On the opposite side of the room, we see Shin-ae, watching you with the same dull eyes she always had. She held on her paper, the marking reading only 68%.

'Y/N... the most popular girl in school. How come she gets to be so smart? Maybe she bribed the teach or something? Why is God so unfair?' Shin-ae thinks with a quirky look on her face. She turns away as she looks down on the paper 'Shit... I would at least think I'd get a 85% through'

As the class got louder and more rowdy, the teacher shushed them as she gave another speech on how everyone should take your example.

You, however, didn't listen as you turned back slightly, eye peaking at Shin-ae's silently crying form as she stressed over her marking.

Your face started to blush at the sight at her face.


"Of course our Y/N would get the highest marking on the hardest test of the year" Your friend, Mina giggles.

"If you would've studied more I bet you would've gotten a better grade too" Hana, your second friend pokes Mina with her chopstick.

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