Leaving The Seals

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Counting down the seconds to my team, I throw the grenade into the warehouse and turn behind the door for cover- even though I don't really need to. Once the smoke clears, I motion for my team to move in. We go in, and taking out the enemy unit sneaking around, I go behind the leader, knocking him out with the handle of my gun. Seeing that my team took care of the rest, we head out.

"Nice one boys, this is gonna be our last one for a long while," I say.

"Bout damn time, especially for you General you been in what, five years now," questions Zay.

"Six actually- nonstop too- not so bad though, get to meet some nice people and help a few more. And I made some good brothers, ain't that right boys."

"Hooyah!" They shout, grinning like idiots.

We land back at base and the Secretary of Defense comes up to me.

"Another successful mission, General, congratulations. I hate to see you guys go," he says.

"We are always a phone call away if you need us, sir."

He nods to me and walks off. The boys and I walk out of the barracks and head towards the car park.

"What's next for you, Andy?" Asks Axel

"Bought a nice farm out in Washington state all set up for me, just gotta move my stuff in. Gotta job at the local highschool as the English and history teacher. Also gonna reconnect with my dad and little sister. What about you, boys?"

"Goin' home to my wife and kids," says Danny

"Tell em' Aunty Andy says hi."

"Will do see y'all later."

Danny hugs me, then walks off, and I turn to the other three guys in my unit.

"I'm gonna get back to surfing. Still got my family shop set up in Cali," says Zay

"Catch some waves brother, stay in touch!"

Zay hugs me then walks to his truck driving away.

"Axel? Jay? What about you two?"

"Gotta to pick up my little girl Ally from her aunts and settle in my folks old house," says Axel.

"Give Ally Cat my love, brother, come visit sometime."

He nods, hugging me, then walking to his truck driving away.

"What about you, Jay?"

"I'm headin' back to my folks ranch and help around there my pops ain't been feelin' his best."

"Tell 'em I say hi. If you need anything just call me."

"You got it Chief, see ya on the flip side."

I laugh and walk to my truck, throwing stuff in the bed before getting in myself and driving to the military apartments. At the apartment, I hook my large trailer onto the truck and load up my four wheeler and my motorcycle, and I put a bag full of my hunting and training guns in as well and as all my swords daggers and throwing stars. I also add a few boxes of trinkets to the load. Before hitting the road, I go by the mall and pick up a whole new wardrobe since everything I have now is military gear. I have my friend Tucker driving my horses down to my new place and a shipping company bringing my car down. As I head out, I text my dad- I'm on my way home- and that I'll see him tomorrow. I have to say... I can't wait!

Soldier Swan حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن