Huge But Cracking Adventure Part 2

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The car ride was quiet except for a few "are we there yets" from various characters.

After arriving at city wok the group attempted to cure Mona's problem. The group exited the car and made their way inside to be greeted with the wonderful smell of Chinese food.

"Welcome to shitty wok may I take your order prease?" the familiar greeting from the owner met the group. (idk) Then just as they started walking towards the counter Mona, once again, farted taking them back to the door of the shop. "What the fuck?! You stinking up my shop. That scare away customers!" Tuong Lu exclaimed at the group.

Levy quickly ran up to the counter and hurriedly asked,"Please just give us some rice or something!!! We have the money!!" At the mention of them buying something the owner instantly became slightly nicer saying,"Ah yes, you want to buy shitty rice? Wait one moment."

As soon as he was out of ear shot Aidan turned to Mona and said,"Dude you seriously have to try and keep your powers under control!" Mona just sighed and looked down trying to control their powers. "Here you go, I have brought you some shitty rice now pay for your food." Tuong Lu announcer entering the room.

Levy quickly paid and took the rice quickly running back to the group, ushering them back outside. Mona took the rice from Levy and quickly ate it, hoping to be able to control their powers again. They all looked at Mona, waiting to see if anything happened and luckily nothing did.

Kendall muttered something incoherent before saying,"What do you think happened with Luke? Shouldn't we go check on him?" This had drawn all of the groups attention to Kendall. He was right. They should go check on him.

A/N- sorry that this is so short I usually have trouble doing lob chapters so yeah. Sorry. ^w^

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