2nd Gen Part 7

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Lily, you feeling lucky?

Lily_Luna YES! My brain is exploding!

Rose_Granger-Weasley Ok, I think we need unicorn hair, dragon blood, bezoar, mint, flower heads, honeywater...

Lily_Luna And dandilion root, lacewing fly, african sea salt, phenoix tear, wolfsbane, fluxweed!

Rose_Granger-Weasley YES!

Prankers'_Inc Give me some of that lucky stuff! I have a Quidditch game today

Lily_Luna That's illegal

Prankers'_Inc Oh. Boo

Chocolate_Moon What are you making, anyway?

Lily_Luna We are trying to make a potion to cure werewolves!

Victoire_Weasley Awwww

Rose_Granger-Weasley It will be called the Lupin Potion

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