Chapter: 18

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I left my room and waited in the hallway for Sky.  What if my mom found me?  What if I was alone when she found me?  I waited for not even ten seconds and Sky was standing in front of me.

"Hey."  Sky smiled, but stopped once he saw my tear streaked face.

"What's wrong?"  He asked, his forehead etched with lines of concern.  I just shook my head, more tears spilling out.  I hadn't even told Ben about it, so did I really want to tell Sky?  From what anyone knew, my mom was a nice lady.  I'd convinced myself of that for the longest time, but it just wasn't true.  So thankfully, Sky didn't force me to open up.  He just pulled me into a hug, and started stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry."  I cried softly, not trusting myself to say anything else.

"Shh..."  Sky held the back of my head, holding my face against his chest, and pressed his cheek to the top of my head.  I felt so protected at that moment, that any fear of my mom was gone.  We stood there for probably ten minutes, and I still hadn't stopped crying.

"Come on, Jor.  You're going to make yourself sick."  Sky pulled away and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Why don't you try talking about it?  I don't care if you only get two words out, I just need you to try and calm down."  Sky sat down, helping me to the ground as well.  I suppose it couldn't hurt to try and tell him.  I needed to get it off my chest, because I'd kept it inside since I was a child.

"I haven't even told Ben yet, actually...  When I was younger, my mom used to beat me.  A lot, actually, and she convinced me that men were evil.  So that's why I am the way I am."  I started crying again, even though I thought I didn't have any tears left.

"I'm sorry.  Is that why you were so scared when you thought you saw here?  Y'know, that time you were with Ben?"  Sky asked, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to him.  I nodded, crying into his shirt, just wanting to die.  It despised me that I'd become so dependent on the very thing my mother said was evil. Turns out, mom had been wrong about a lot of things.

After a couple more minutes of crying, I wanted to be alone.  I stood up and went into my room without saying a word.  I hoped I wouldn't have any nightmares, because I'd be all alone tonight.

* * *

Surprisingly, I didn't have any nightmares. I did have anxiety before I fell asleep, but I refused to get Sky.  Whether I needed him or not, I would get through the night by myself.  I may not have slept at all, but I made it through.  I heard a knock at the door at about 8am, and I got up to answer it even though I didn't want to see anyone after the night I'd had.  I opened the door to a smiling Sky.

"What do you want?"  I growled.  I needed him today, more than ever, but I was too stubborn to admit it.

"I came to see if you were okay."  His forehead creased with worry.  I sighed, softening up a little.  I really appreciated how much he cared, even though I didn't care to admit it.

"I'm fine."  I tried to smile, but I couldn't.  I let my shoulders slump as I sighed.  He wouldn't believe me even if I held my smile.

"It was awful."  I whispered, going pale.  Sky said nothing, but stepped forward and pulled me into a hug.  I refused to give in to the tears that threatened to spill over.  I closed my eyes and hugged him as tight as I could.  I knew eventually I'd have to let go, but I didn't want to.  I wanted to stay like this in his arms for forever. 

Today we were moving theaters again, but the drive wouldn't be too long.  I always despised having to ride on the bus, because there was never any guarantee I'd be able to sit next to someone I was comfortable with.  The only good thing, was that Ben would be coming back in four days and meeting us at that theater to resume his role of Racetrack.

Sky and I pulled apart, and he went back to his room so we could get ready to leave. It didn't take me long to pack everything up and get it on the bus, so I decided to head to Starbucks to get my well deserved coffee.

"Hey Jordyn, can I come with you?" I had expected it to be Sky running after me, but the voice didn't match up. It was Josh, of all people. I had kind of neglected him lately, so how could I say no? I was relieved  that I wasn't going alone anymore.  I hadn't really been aware of the dangers of a girl walking alone downtown, until I'd started hanging with Sky.  I had thought Sky was over protective, but he was just being safe and looking out for my well being.

"Sure." I smiled nervously, hoping I would be okay. I saw Sky watching us, but he just smiled when he caught my eye. I was glad he didn't come and follow me; it showed he trusted Josh, so I'd be safe with him.

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