I'm I CRAZY (Chapter 3)

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It was around 9:00pm when I got home, I opened the gate and walked to the door, I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed my keys. I pulled out he key, stuck it in the door nob, and turned the key opening the door. I walked inside, I put the ferocity stoer items on the floor next to me and bent over to untie my shoes. When I was done untiring my shoes I started to pick up the bags of grocery's and carried them to the counter in the kitchen. I opened the bags and started to unload the grocery's an put them in them in there respected places until that women come in the room.

"Hey Bakugou, how was the trip to the store?" She gave me a stupid look like she was up to something.

" Why the hell would I tell you with a smirk like that!" I responded

"BECAUSE I'M YOUR MOTHER!" She yelled back

"NO WOMEN" I yelled angrily.

I put the last piece of food in the fridge and stumped my way to my room, she was yelling at me to come back but I didn't listen. I went into my room and flopped in my bed, my room is pretty clean and I went to check if all my homework was done. It was all done so I need up changing into my PJ's, I hung my uniform up in the closet and just when to bed in my boxers. I throw my self on the bed belly first I laced there for a couple of minutes until I hear a notification sound go off on my phone. I grabbed the phone and looked at who it was from... I gave a confused look at the screen and see it was from Deku.

Hey sorry about what happed at the store..
I didn't mean to stare at you or touch
your hand that was my fault.

Just  don't do it again ..
And remember that I will always
Be better then you.

After that I didn't get a response... good thats how I should be but... I couldn't shake off the feeling that I wanted him to replie. I put my phone in the charger and fell back in bed, I couldn't stop think about Deku he was everywhere,.. until again the memory of Deku blushing came back into my head. My face went red and I throw a pillow on my face, I couldn't stop blushing.

In a very low voice I whispered ".......Fucking Deku....."

All night I was thinking about Deku till I fell asleep.

Thanks For reading see you next time! Love you BYE!!!

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