T H I R T Y - T H R E E

564 20 2

Awsten's P.O.V.


Okay, so here's the fucking tea.

I knew Charlotte was kind of mad at me for being distracted and shit the past couple weeks. I wanted to be with her all the gosh darn time but the music was so much, meeting deadlines and making sure we made it the best we could for all the fans who actually liked our shit for some reason and could tolerate us.

We were playing a hometown show and my mom and everyone was gonna be there and I had a fat ass surprise for Charlotte that I knew would embarrass her but I also hoped she would love it. I won't spoil it but basically I was gonna ask Charlotte to open for us because my mom really wanted to see her perform and of course anything for my mother who birthed me because I guess I eternally owe her which she always uses as a threat and blah blah blah okay we get it.

And the rest of the surprise well I mean you'll fucking find up so yeah there.

Charlotte was sitting across from me, on her laptop as she emailed back and forth with the manager at this place she had an interview at for a new job. I was on my laptop too, checking emails and seeing how many damn things me and the guys had to do by the end of the week and the list was so long it was kinda gross as shit.

"Hey, you know our hometown show?"


"Would you wanna maybe open for us?" I asked her, keeping my eyes on my laptop, trying to act concentrated like it wasn't a big deal at all. I could feel her gaze on me, obviously confused.

"Your hometown show? Uhhhh heh. I don't know. Why me?" she pondered after a moment, shifting in her seat.

"Cause you're fucking good at music and shit and you're my girlfriend duh," I told her, finally looking at her to roll my eyes, shrugging my shoulders like it was obvious. She scoffed, turning back to her computer.

"Okay, smart-ass," was all she mumbled, continuing to type on her keyboard.

I raised my eyebrows at her. "Soooo is that a yes?"

"Yeahhh, I guess," she mumbled, looking defeated. Deep down I knew she wanted to do it because I know everything. Charlotte might argue with that but of course she's 100000% wrong because like we just agreed I'm always right and no one can argue with me because I'll sass them the whole time.

Why was she dating me again?

"This means I have to put together a set list," she groaned, sinking into the couch, her chin tucked into her chest, pouting. That made me laugh, a grin spreading across my face.

My eyes turned to face Max, who was trotting across the living room to jump up on the couch beside me. "My handsome boy! Have you reconsidered renaming him?" I questioned the girl sitting diagonal from me.

She raised her eyebrows at me, scoffing. "He already knows his name! Plus it suits him, come on. He's not the other Maxx. He's our Max. The cute one," she argued, lightly kicking my foot so it slid off the coffee table. I grumbled, lying down on my side, done with doing serious and important stuff. My brain felt like jell-o and I wished I could eat it hahaa can you imagine if you could eat your own brain that would be so funny.

"Heyyyyyyyy you should put that song about me on your playlist heh that would be so funny cause then they would all know you had a crush on me that's so embarrassing," I laughed, looking up at her from where I was lying on my back.

She looked at me, dumbfounded. "Awsten...we're dating. I think it's pretty obvious I like you," she chuckled, shaking her head before cupping my chin, pinching it.

"Okay, well still."

"Hm," was all she replied, closing her laptop to scoot down further, turning around so she was lying beside me on the couch. I grinned as she draped her leg across my body, wrapping an arm around my torso.

"I love you dummy," she mumbled, stuffing her face in my neck, breathing deeply.

"I love you too, tiny human."

21 Questions {Awsten Knight}Where stories live. Discover now