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Awsten's P.O.V.

Answer to my question: No, you cannot survive climbing up two stories without at least fucking yourself up a bit.

So that's why I was sitting in the back of an ambulance on a stretcher, with a paramedic taking my vitals while Charlotte sat beside me, spitting profanity at me.

"--such a fucking idiot. What were you even thinking?"

"It's a couple of broken toes, stop being such a pussy!"

"You're so fucking dumb, I cannot believe you."

The paramedic looked over at her nervously, as if he was treading on ice while being chased by hungry fat polar bears or something. "Uh, are you sure you know this man? He wasn't trying to hurt you?"

"Yes, I know him, he's just the biggest dumb ass ever," she sighed, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.

*20 minutes earlier*

Okay, Awsten, you could do this. It's just two stories. No biggie.

There was a tree pretty close to her window so I decided to climb up to the level of her window and then figure it out from there. I really hoped I didn't get stuck because I sort of hate heights and it would have sucked major ass if I was up there forever. And also pretty embarrassing because I would probably cry like a little kid and Charlotte would definitely see me.

Anyway, the climb was pretty easy until I got close to the top, where the branches got thinner and weren't able to support my ass. I tried to hang on to the trunk of the tree while stretching out my foot, testing how much weight the branch that was closest to her window could withstand.

It started bending downwards just as I put a bit of weight on it, causing me to panic and shrink back toward the middle of the tree. I ducked behind a canopy of leaves as Charlotte looked out her window, her expression confused like she was looking for something. Probably because I had been swearing to myself for the past ten minutes while trying to figure out how to NOT DIE. She looked around for a minute or so and I held my breath, clenching literally every muscle in my body to try and keep myself stable. I could feel myself sweating and I mentally cursed at the weather for being such a fucking problem because not only was I nervous sweating, I was sweating from the tHICK HOUSTON AIR.

Anyway, when Charlotte went back to whatever she was doing, I continued trying to find a way to her window without hurting the tree or myself. 

But apparently ya can't do both.

So with what little courage I had (I wish I was as brave as my last name suggests) I inched closer to the thin branch and could hear it crack slightly beneath me. I tried to hang on to it with my clammy hands but in the end it wouldn't matter because even if I was hanging on to it I would still plummet to my untimely death.

I decided to make a jump for it and flung myself toward her window, my body smacking the side of her house as my arms curled around her window frame, barely holding myself up. I heard her scream in surprise as I pulled myself up, letting out a gasp of relief as I put my foot on her desk.

But I couldn't be that lucky. Because I'm Awsten Constantine Knight and I'm a fucking idiot.

Apparently I weighed too much for her desk to support me, so, logically, it toppled forward and I went with it, crashing forward onto her bedroom floor, but not without the side of her shiny white desk crushing the toes on my right foot, causing me to scream out in pain. My head hit her floor and I looked up at the horrified expression on her basically perfect face.

Just as quick as things had happened, her expression turned to anger in a matter of seconds, her arms crossed. "What the FUCK are you doing here?! And why the hell would you climb through my window? Are you actually fucking insane?!" She yelled, closing her window and turning around to face me. Yeah. There was pretty much no explanation for my train of thought.

Suddenly I heard sirens and Charlotte glared down at me, her eyes piercing into my soul (it was rather terrifying if I'm being honest). "Get up! And get the hell out," she spat, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Yikes. That hurt.

"I'm...uh...I'm kinda stuck?"

She looked over at my foot that was beneath her desk and then back at me, groaning in annoyance. She lifted it up and my whole body relaxed as my toes were freed.

"I think I'm dying," I moaned, still lying on her floor, wiping the sweat from my face. "You're not dying, dumb fuck."

"Hey Charlotte? The paramedics are here! Our neighbors called," Lucy yelled from downstairs, sounding nervous and confused at the same time.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" She exclaimed, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up. I winced as I tried to walk on my right foot, so I had to limp down the stairs and into the living room, where two paramedics were there with a stretcher and a clip board in their hands. Lucy's face dropped and became red once she saw me. "You're joking."

I shrugged and looked back at Charlotte, whose eyes were narrowed in annoyance. "Take me away boys," I grumbled, hopping on the stretcher, watching as the paramedics looked around with confused expressions before wheeling me out to the ambulance. Charlotte followed along and I was surprised to see that she was coming along.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, sitting myself up once they had gotten me in the back of the vehicle and had the stretcher locked in place. "I'm coming with. I don't trust you on your own. God, you're such a dumbass."

Yeah. So, now you know how badly my plan failed.

And Charlotte still hated me.

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