Late Night Thoughts

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Jack's POV
I couldn't sleep properly, the news Alyssa had told me got me very excited. I can't believe she is actually willing to give up her life in England to live in LA with me. How do I deserve any of this? I don't deserve anyone as perfect as her. I feel like I don't do enough for her or prove how much I love her. I'm not even good looking. Not to mention that half the world hates me. I just don't see why she loves me like she does. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be able to cope without her, but I feel like I don't do enough for her to earn her heart. I must be doing something right or else she wouldn't want to move to a different country with me and leave all her family. We need to find a house first though. She can help us find the perfect house. It will be like we're a proper couple, moving in together. I'll get to see her beautiful face everyday when she wakes up and hear her say "good morning" in her perfect morning voice. We can go to the beach and relax together. I can show her all the sights. We're going to start our lives together and I honestly can't wait!


Hey guys!
I decided to post a short chapter giving Jack's thoughts as I feel it helps to get into the book more. Tell me if you want more chapters like this where either Jack or Alyssa let out all their thoughts.
Anyway, I'm working on a new Gilinsky fanfic called 'Love is hard'. I would appreciate it if you would go check it out as I'm very please with how it is going so far.
Alyssa xxx

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