The Decision

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Alyssa's POV
It's 5pm and Jack came back into the hotel room. He left me alone to talk to Dina for a few hours about what I should do. He really is understanding of me and I don't think I could ever live without someone like him. But I just don't know how I'm going to leave my family. Nobody has ever left our house to live alone let alone moved to a different country! But if I let Jack go without me, I know I will be devastated. He makes me feel loved, like people actually care about me. He gives me this feeling inside that I have never felt before but I never want to stop feeling even though I can't explain it.
"Hey babe," Jack sat next to me on the bed, "hey Dina."
"Hey JJ," Dina replied.
"Hey JJ," I smiled as he kissed my cheek.
"So..." Johnson hesitated.
"I think I may have come to a decision," I said unsure.
"And that is?" Jack asked worried.
"Dina and I have decided to take you up on your offer," I smiled and hugged Johnson, "we will move to LA with you!"
"Really?" Jack mouth broadened to a smile.
"I realise I can't live without you even if it means starting all over again in a new place," I said.
"Plus, Nash said I can move into his house so it's all good," Dina added.
"That's great!" Jack hugged me tight, "but we need to tell your family. How are we gonna do that?"
"Well we could invite them to the Manchester show and then when they see me perform, they'll realise that moving to LA will be great for me to further my career," I said.
"That sounds like a great plan!" Jack replied, "but we'll need to ask Bart for some free tickets for your family."
"We'll sort that out tomorrow," I said, "but now we need to rest before tomorrow, we have to leave the hotel by 10."
we got ready for bed and Gilisnky walked into the room.
"Hey Jack!" I said, "where have you been?"
"Just been hanging out with Nash and Cam," he replied.
"Anyway," Johnson said, "we have some great news..."
"What is it?"
"Alyssa and Dina have agreed to move to LA with us!" Johnson exclaimed.
"Oh my god!" Gilinsky screamed, "I'm so happy!"
"So are we!" I replied whilst hugging Gilinsky, "anyway, we should be getting to bed, it's late now."
"For sure man," Gilinsky replied.
We all jumped into bed and fell asleep. I had my head rested on JJ's chest and a big smile on my face.


Hey guys!
I hope you're enjoying the new chapters and the authors notes I have decided to put in. I feel that you should get to know more about me, the author, as you are reading my fanfic.
I want to see how many of you read my little authors notes at the end of each chapter so if you do, comment "I ship Jalyssa for life!" I just want to see if people actually read these anymore.
Alyssa xxx

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