My Game, Not Hers

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Its the same way tonight as it was the past three days now, only this time, I also get to regret everything that I had done in front of Frank today. Actually, I regret getting out of bed at all yesterday. This whole mess could have been avoided if I had just stayed home. If only.

Suddenly, my phone lights up. Odd, no one ever texts me. I push myself up so I can read the notification. Oh, of course no body texted me, can't believe I let myself get my hopes up. But, my favorite author updated her book on wattpad. I check the time, 1:47. Oh well, I have enough time to read some fan fic.

***** (A/n: okay, ew, what was that paragraph. gross. it was gross)

The annoying resonance of my alarm sounds through my ears at 6:30 in the morning. Instinctively, my hand slams down on the snooze button, silencing the ruckus.

20 minutes later, the alarm sounds again. Tiredly and ignorantly, I hit snooze again, fully aware that if I don't get up now I won't have a ride to school. It goes like this for about an hour.


Hear alarm,

Turn alarm off,

Proceed to not give a shit about my education,


Until I finally realize that if I just lay here all day, the school will call my mother, and then I'll be in for it. Groaning, I roll out of bed and check the time, 7:48. So if I start walking now, I could be there by 8:30. I pull some jeans off the floor and put them on, and grab a shirt that's draped over my dresser. Not bothering to eat, I shuffle out the door and get walking.


I finally turn up at school at around 8:50. Okay, so I stopped at Seven Eleven for a slushie. Whatever. At least I'm here. I walk stealthily through the office, hoping that I can sneak through, no questions asked. I'm almost there, the door handle is right there, just one more step... and its locked. My luck.

"Um, excuse me miss," I feebly say to who I presume is the secretary, who looks like she could rip a students head off if they bothered her. "I need a pass to class please" I finish when she looks up over her glasses that are perched near the bottom of her nose.

"Why are you late?" She demands, looking as though she could knock me out with just her eyes.

"My moms car broke down, and I had to walk here" Its almost frightening how easily the lie rolls off my tongue, but it gives me an unexpected boost of confidence to keep it going. She purses her lips as if contemplating whether or not I'm lying. I hold my breath in anticipation while waiting for her response.

"Do you have a note from your mother?" She questions, thinking she's outsmarted me, but this is my game, not hers. I will get away this. And it will be fantastic.

"No" I answer smugly. I wait until she opens her mouth to respond to finish my statement, just to annoy her. "She had to get a mechanic so she could get to work"

The secretary looks somewhat defeated, but presses on, looking for a way to destroy me.

"And she couldn't get you a note while she waited for a mechanic?"

"No, we didn't have a pen. We were about three miles out from our house" I retort.

"How far do you live from the school?" She quickly fires back.

"About six miles" I answer, just as quick. She frowns a little, debunking the theory she was probably conjuring up. Her face lights up a little when she thinks of another lead.

"You don't have a single writing utensil in your backpack?" She asks, thinking she really figured me out this time.

"I left my pencil box in my locker" I crush another one of her ideas to poke through my lie. I can see her frustration now, the way her forehead creases a bit, and her nostrils flare when she exhales. I have to hold back a grin of satisfaction. Just a little more, and I'll crack her.

"Did you-" she starts to ask something else when somebody from the other room calls her name. She looks up at me, turns around for a second, then turns back and eyeballs me like she's debating something in her head.

"You better be here when I get back," she bitterly spits out. She quickly turns around and starts walking towards the back room, muttering a "This better be quick, Janice" nastily under her breath.

As soon as her back is turned, I scribble out a late pass and grab the key to unlock the door. Not bothering to take the keys back out of the door, I run down the hallway to my locker, still feeling the excitement of having got away with my plan.

I step into the classroom 3 minutes before the class ends, and hand my teacher my late pass, thankfully, no questions asked. I sat at a random desk while I wait for the three minutes to pass.

After the bell I am shoved into the hallway by other unenthusiastic students. I walk to my history class, on time today, might I add, and plop down next to Frank again.

"Dude, where were you?" Frank asks as soon as I sit down. I look over at him to see if he was pulling my leg or if he actually cared. The way his eyes widened, and his eyebrows creased together in worry made me believe that Frank was genuinely concerned about my whereabouts.

"What?" I question, still thinking that this was just some sick joke Frank was playing.

"Where were you all morning?" Frank asks again, getting a little impatient. I quirk an eyebrow, questioning his strange behavior.

"What happened to me being an asshole?"

"Uh, yeah, about that, I was in a really bad mood yesterday, sorry" He apologizes, a light pink blush brushes across his cheeks. I grin at his expression. He's actually sorry.

"I'm sorry too. For being an asshole" I say, feeling butterfly wings tickle my insides. Frank looks up at me and grins a little bit. Maybe I haven't ruined everything. 


Look I'm back, surprise!! -g  <-- its @Gabbreeee again

i wrote some more. it still sucks


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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