How to Contact Me

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So obviously you can PM me, or you can just leave a comment onto this chapter.

I'd love for you to fill out this (totally optional) form so I can get to know a little bit more about you and your book though:

(It can be in less words obviously.)

~~~ Who is your target demographic (who are you trying to reach with your book)?

~~~ What is the purpose of your story (entertainment, making people cry, helping them cope, etc.)?

~~~ What is the general mood or tone you want?

~~~ What is the theme?

~~~ If there is a moral, what is it?

~~~ What subgenre best fits your story?

~~~ Just tell me a joke!

~~~ And tell me anything else you feel is important for me to know!

Like I said, you can leave a comment here or PM me, and then we can talk. I'm online at least once a day, and I have quite a bit of free time, so I'll definitely see your comments. I hope to hear from y'all.I'm always taking requests so hit me up lol!

Editor For HireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora