Chapter 5- The one with a hangover

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Readers POV

      I woke up in a room that wasn't mine or Koala's, and it didn't seem familiar, but how would I know. I didn't have my glasses on. Out of the corner of my eye I see a big blur of blonde hair at the foot of the bed. It reminded me of Sabo, but that would mean that I was sleeping in Sabo's room most likely. Just then he started mumbling something in his sleep.

      " Cute." I smiled, than I realized that I must of been sleeping in Sabo's bed. If I was really sleeping in his room. Looking at the bed once more it was way to nice to be Luffy's so it must be, Sabo's. My face turned beet red. I have to get out of here before I pass out from embarrassment, but before I could go anywhere I had to find my glasses. Oh I could go on without them, right?

      I tried standing up, but stumbled a bit from the major headache I was getting from the hangover I was in.

      " How are you feeling?" I hear an all to familiar voice coming from beside me. It was definitely the person who I worried it would be.

      " Sabo, sorry to wake you." I replied sheepishly.

      " Don't be. I have been waiting for you to wake up. So I could give you these." He lifts his hands up holding something, but it looked like a big blur to me.

      " Um Sabo, I can't see without my glasses." I tell him blushing from being this vulnerable around him.

      " Sorry I should of known by now," he reaches for something, " Here." Sabo hands me my glasses. Thanking him, I grab my glasses from his hands and put them on. The world becomes more defined and visible. It was then that I was finally able to see what he was trying to give me in the first place. A glass of water and some pills which would probably be for this massive headache I was receiving. " This will make your hangover more durable."

      " Thanks." Taking the pills than a sip of the water right afterwards. It will take a while before the pills dissolve into my body making me feel better. He patted his hand on the floor to take a seat next to him, which I did.

      " You can stay here for a while and rest, If you want ." Sabo so generously suggested to me. A bigger blush than before appeared on my face. Me being in the same room with Sabo, and not to mention alone. This must be a dream that I don't want to wake up from.

      " S-Sure!" I stuttered. Which earned a chuckle from Sabo.

      " You know your really cute when you stutter." He smiles, which quickly made me and Sabo blush madly. " Did I just say that out loud!" He covers his mouth with his hand. I on the other hand might as well have become paralyzed. My crush just said that he found me 'cute'. Sabo's phone went off and Sabo reluctantly picked it up trying to change the atmosphere.

" Hello!" Sabo yells still embarrassed. Not able to hear the person on the phone with Sabo I start to relax a little bit and straighten myself up. Sabo ends his phone call with a sigh than looks at me. " Do you want to go to the grocery store with me. I have to make lunch for everyone at Ace's place." He smiles at the end of his sentence.

       " I can't. I'm still in same clothes from yesterday." I replied sheepishly. Sabo thought for a while before he walked up to a dresser pulling out a shirt.

" Here, it might be a little big but it should do the trick." He hold up a neatly folded (F/C) shirt.

" Thank you. Can I request something of you than." I blush at what I was about to do.

" Of course." He smiles once more.

" Can you turn around while I change?"

" Yeah!" He shouts embarrassed, he turns around while I quickly change shirts. Still in the same pants I was wearing last night. The shirt might of been a dress on me, and the sleeves covered my hands.

My Muse- Sabo x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin