another video

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~this is gonna be another short chapter, cuz I'm not gonna continue with this story, mckayla and I aren't all that close anymore, so idk what else to write about, she has a boyfriend and soon she just left me, i mean we'd talk after school for like a minute but, I haven't talked to her all summer and we haven't hung out in over a year, but good news I'm making a different Devan Key fan fiction, and I'm really liking it so far, i haven't published it yet, I will, don't worry, just not sure when, but again sorry for another short chapter, I hope you like it anyways


Ally's POV

The door swung open to reveal a very happy Devan, he engulfed me into a hug

Me- Nice to see you too

I managed to say as he held me very tightly

Devan- Oh, sorry

He let go and McKayla giggled, Collins walked in and waved, Devan invited us in and we hugged their mom who was making dinner in the kitchen, after our little meet and greet we went to Collins' room to record, Devan quickly pecked my lips before he sat next to Collins, Devan and I smiled at each other

Collins- HEY GUYS! So todays video is gonna be a little different, so a few videos ago we were joined with 2 lovely girls Mckayla and Ally, we made a truth or dare video, I'll leave a link below, but Ally got grounded after her dare, but today she's ungrounded, so please welcome, Mckayla and Ally!

We sat in the chairs that were between the boys I sat next to Devan and Mckayla sat next to Collins

Me- Hey guys,
Mckayla- Hi!
Collins- So I asked you guys on Twitter to ask us questions, and you guys asked a lot but I asked our dad to pick, so let's read them!

I noticed Mckayla sat closer to me than Collins, weird, I guess I zoned out cause Mckayla waved her hand in front of my face

Me- Oh sorry, I guess I zoned out, what was the question,
Collins- People want to know if you have a crush on somebody?
Me- Oh, well, actually, I do like someone, and I'm not saying who
Collins- Do they know you like them
Me- Yes.
Devan- Next question, Why are Collins and Devan still single???
Collins- Actually, Devan isn't single
Devan- Neither is Collins
Mckayla- Actually, he is
Me- What are you talking about?
Mckayla- What do you mean what am I talking about, hes single.
Me- So are you single too then, huh?
Mckayla- Nope. I have a boyfriend
Me- What?!

She broke up with Collins, what the hell happened

Mckayla- I don't wanna hear your bullshit Ally! Actually I'm gonna go, don't bother calling

She got up and left, my heart sank, 'did I just lose my best friend?'

Devan- What was that about?
Collins- Sorry I should've told you guys, but I thought she would've told you
Me- But she didn't, she always tells me everything

I was on the verge of crying, so I got up and left that's when it hit me, Devan ran after me and I turned to face him

Devan- Hey, are you ok?
Me- I just lost my best friend....

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