The New Kid

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Ally's POV

My mom got a new boyfriend and they fight almost all the time and my best friend McKayla's birthday is in a couple of days. I've been saving up some money for her birthday. I'm giving her a lot of chocolate and were gonna spend the whole day together after her party and I'm paying for everything.

Ally~ Mom! I'm going over to McKaylas
Mom~ Ok be careful

It was cold so I wore something warm and comfy

I rode my skateboard across the street and knocked on McKaylas door

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I rode my skateboard across the street and knocked on McKaylas door. Her idiotic brother answered it and yelled for her. I walked inside and waited for her to come downstairs as I waited I played with Duke (one of her dogs) she came downstairs with her skateboard in

 I walked inside and waited for her to come downstairs as I waited I played with Duke (one of her dogs) she came downstairs with her skateboard in

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Me~ You ready?
Kayla~ Yep. Mom!! I'm going to hang out with Ally!!
Her mom~ K. Be back by dark OK?
Kayla~ K. Bye mom! Let's go

We headed out the door and rode around town on our boards. It was almost noon so we got lunch at taco bell. We ate lunch and got a couple freezies to go. We continue riding around town and finished our freezies and we stopped at family video and got a couple movies then we headed to the park. We were riding to the park and there was a hill so we raced and Mckayla won. When we turned the corner I bumped into someone and wrecked. I scratched my knee really bad and my elbow. The kid who I bumped into rushed over to me.

???~ oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I didn't see you turn around the corner

He stuck his hand out for me to grab I looked up and saw and guy who was about 6ft, short brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a bright smile. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up.

Me~ thanks and its OK I should've been more careful
???~ np, I'm Devan btw
Me~ Ally
Devan~ That's a pretty name
Me~ Thanks

I said smiling and so was he I glanced over at Mckayla and she kept mouthing the word Awwwwww

Devan~ I gotta get going. I'll see you around
Me~ ok bye

And with that he took off Mckayla comes running towards me and starts asking questions. It was getting dark so we headed back home. I dropped off Mckayla and then rode home. I got home and I smelled cookies.

Me~ Ooo Cookies
Mom~ Stop right there. They're for our new neighbors.
Me~ Awe, man I wanted cookies
Mom~ Now you can go over and give it to them
Me~ Now??
Mom~ Yes
Me~ Why me??
Mom~ Bc you tried to eat them, now go
Me~ Fine



Devan Key x AllyWhere stories live. Discover now