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(A/n there's gonna be a little change with the characters speech. Ex:springtrap will be like this with the underline and the rest will be normal)

(Y/n Pov)
As I walk in the hallway, I looked around noticing little kid drawings. Some were of animals and one of them looked like a puppet. But one caught my eye, this drawing was of a yellow/golden bunny with a red bowtie. 'Huh that kinda looks like...springtrap?' I thought. I shrugged at the idea and kept walking until I stepped on some type of liquid. When I looked down my eyes widen, it was blood!!. "Wh..what" I asked myself. Just then I heard a loud crash up ahead so being the curious person I am, I slowly went in that direction. As my feet walked on the black and white checkered floor, I couldn't help but be a little shaken up. I saw a big double doors with a little bit of blood on the door handles, I hesitantly grab the handle and slowly open the door making a creak sound in the process. Once I finally got the door opened I put my hand over my mouth and gave out a small gasp. There were at least 5 body's spread around the room covered in blood. I slowly backed out of the room until a pair of hands grabbed my mouth and waist.
[Dream ends]
My eyes opened quickly and searches around my surroundings. I sigh in relief and close my eyes again happy that it was just a dream. But as I slowly drift back to sleep, I hear a voice calling my name.
"Y/n~" "y/n" "Y/n!"
I open my eyes again and to see springtrap looking at me, still with that dorky smile of his on his face.
"Are you up y/n?"
He asked. I lazily sit up and rub my eyes.
"Yeah I'm up".
Springtrap then picks me and lifts me up in the air.
"Springtrap I'm to old AND to tired for this" I said with a pout.
He just smiles wider and hugs me while looking down at me.
"Are you to old AND to tired for pancakes?"
"Heh never my friend".
He sets me down and walks off telling me to come to the kitchen when I was done.
I picked out a simple F/c long sleeve shirt,blue jeans, and sneakers. I combed out my h/l and put a little bit of eye-liner.
As I walk into the kitchen I noticed that dad was walking in the same direction so I gave him a hug behind him.
"Wha?! Oh Y/n its just you, you almost gave me a heart attack".
I giggled at his response.
"Sorry dad didn't mean to scare ya".
As me and dad walked into the kitchen, we both smelled pancakes being baked. "What's going on in here?" Dad asked. Springtrap turned his head and still with that smile said "Pancakes!".
We both looked at each other with a confused look but I shrugged and sat down. Dad then started to question springtrap, I shook my head and looked down playing with my sleeves.
Just then deliah sat beside me and looked at me with a smile. "Hey Y/n did you get enough sleep last night?" She asked with the cutest smile. I smiled back, ruffled her hair and said "yeah thanks for asking". I didn't dare tell them about my horrible nightmares. It would only put them in a panic.
Deliah then started to tell me how springtrap woke her up the same way he woke me up.
I giggled at springys ways of making us smile.
Speaking of springtrap, he then places the pancakes in front of us and told us that he hoped we liked it.
"Thanks springy" I said with a smile. I looked over at deliah and saw how she looked a little lost in her thoughts.
I frowned at this and looked up at springtrap and saw he had the same expression like me. But I smiled anyway and gave a look saying "it'll be ok". Springtrap gave a nod back. I then turned my head to see Dad talking to someone on the phone.
"Oh yeah she's do? Sure!" I raised a eyebrow at his smile as he hands the phone to Deliah and say its Harry. Ah Harry the blonde little boy who I swear has the IQ of a genius. He could convince the president into making his office into a big pillow fort if he wanted to. I chuckle at my own thought to only see Deliah get up with a smile. "Hey kiddo whatcha doing?"
"I'm gonna go get ready for Harry!"
"You say that like you have a crush on him" I giggled at her flustered expression.
"What?! No way we're just friends"
"Yeah keep telling yourself that" I chuckle as she walks away with an embarrassed look.
"Do you really think she likes him?"
"Not sure but if she does thats adorable AND I'll be able to do alot of teasing".
Springtrap crosses his arms and gives me a look "you do that alot anyway Y/n".
I give a sly smile and shrug shoulders "touche my friend". I get up and wash the plates before placing them in the sink. "Thanks for the breakfast by the way that was really kind of you" I say with a smile. Springtrap smiles and rubs back of his neck "o..of course! Anything for my two favorite girls! ' Especially you Y/n'.
"Aww your so sweet!" I give Springtrap a quick hug and go to leave the room. "If you need me just yell!"
{No one's pov}
Springtrap could only watch as Y/n leaves the room with a smile. He never felt this..feeling especially since he was alive. It was a different feeling than smiling at the excited faces of the kids..this feeling was alot stronger than that. He couldn't quite describe it but if he had to had to be love.

Springtrap x Reader (Discontinued For Now)Where stories live. Discover now