16. Peter / Anders - Garmisch-Partenkirchen- Day of competition

Start from the beginning

Frowning, Peter looked after them. Since when did Domen refrain from training? He behaved so strangely lately, anyway. Even stranger than usual. He didn't know if this behavior was really due to the pressure and stress of the tournament. Sure, the bad results in Oberstdorf had probably upset Domen more than he was willing to admit, but could that really be everything? After all, there was the scene in the weight room that just couldn't get out of his head. And that was before the competition even had start. But how was he going to address him without jeopardizing her fragile peace? And maybe Domen was right, too, and he really had overreacted.

And maybe he had long since found someone to talk to. After all, he had recently spent time with Daniel remarkably often. Even Jurji had already noticed that.

"Peter Prevc always keep working hard. What do you think, will we see another Slovenian on the podium today?"

Startled, Peter turned around. Standing in front of him was Paul Thiessen, who smiled friendly and bared his shark teeth.

"In any case, it will be an exciting competiton," Peter answered evasively and crouched down, only to push himself off the ground. Maybe the reporter disappeared when he realized he bothered hm.

"Oh, not so modest my boy. After the competition in Oberstdorf, we can certainly cheer together soon. It almost looked like old Peter Prevc, "said Thiessen, and had the brass neck to pat on Peters shoulders.

"Yes, that was one of the better jumps, but we shouldn't exaggerate, Paul," Peter tried to bring the reporter back to the bottom of the facts. He didn't want to know what Thiessen had for expectations. He knew he wouldn't be able to fulfill them. Not yet. Maybe never again?

No! It just took longer to adjust the new system. The new skis. But they were actually the same as last year, his inner doubter once again spoke up.

"Peter Prevc. Modest and down to earth. As always. Well, you have your brother as your counterpart. He also seems to be in better shape today. Could that be the pressure, that's gone now, after his relatively hopeless position? "Patiently Thiessen waited until he had finished the exercise. Peter became suspicious. Normally, a Thiessen understood, when he disturbed the preparations.

"Come on Paul. We are both been in the business long enough to know that the tournament is writing its own stories. And what did you expect? Domen is seventeen. Even his victories at the beginning of the season were a sensation, "said Peter puffing and wanted to protect his brother. It was difficult to keep calm if everyone came up with well-intentioned tips and advices.

"Of course, but I stick to it that Domen seems to be in much better shape today. If he jumps like in the rehearsal, then a podium finish is possible," Thiessen insisted on his oppinion.

"We always do our best," Peter replied flatly. As if the other 49 Springer wouldn't do their best. And again, Thiessen only saw Domen on the podium. Sure, he had told him that he saw an improvement of his jumps, but that had been only a means to an end, Peter realized. He had probably hoped to increase his chances of talking about Domen.

"I would never doubt that, but it's amazing how the boy jumps off the hills. Spectacular, "enthused his counterpart and Peter would have liked to ditch him. "But that just seems to be his nature. And he ssems to be pretty popular."

"What are you implying, Paul?", Peter interrupted his exercises. There was such a strange undertone in Thiessen's voice. His stomach felt uncomfortable.

"Well, after all, your brother seems to spend a lot of time with the Norwegian Daniel- André Tande. They've been seeing each other more often lately and they seemed to be.... Uhm well familiar, "Theissen said as if it was the most normal thing in the world and yet Peter couldn't escape the feeling that Thiessen was up to some mischief. "But that's not unusual. Well, anyway. I didn't want to disturb you anymore. Good luck today ", Thiessen wished the Slovenian and disappeared. Frowning, he looked after the unsympathetic reporter, who went with his watchful eyes through the jumper's accommodation. He moved unobtrusively through the crowd. Hardly any jumper paid attention to him. Everyone was focused on their competition preparations.

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