Chapter One

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After a while, I hear the key turn in the lock.
"Hey babe, I'm home." He calls out.
For some reason, I feel glued to the spot, I cannot physically move.
"Are you home babe?" He asks. I hear his footsteps shuffling around before I hear the creeking of the stairs as he comes up.
"In here." I croak. I barely manage to get the words out.
"Found you," he chuckles "I've missed you baby. How have you been..." His speech trails off as he notices the look on my face. One of betrayal and hurt, confusion and frustration. He looks at the tattered notebook clasped in my hands.
"Why have you got that, Katja?" He questions, his voice changes in an instant sending chills down my spine.
"What's this notebook for, Richard?" I ask annoyed.
"Just leave it babe, I don't want to talk about it now." He huffs. Quickly, he leaves the room. Shortly after, I hear the front door slam. So much for finding out what the notebook is for.
I open it once again. The pages seem old, stained and crumpled. Some of the writing is faded. I look closer at what is written. It seems like there are dates along with cash amounts. The most recent date I find was the 19th of January 2001, over 17 years ago.

I decide to go out and look for Reesh. I haven't even said hello to him yet. He'd been gone for 2 months and the first thing I did was argue with him. I grab my keys and leave the house. I walk towards the sea. Most of the fishermen have returned back to dry land, some having had a successful day at work, whilst others, not so much. Sure enough, I see Reesh almost immediately. His jet black hair stands out amongst the sea greens and sandy yellows. He's slumped on an old, upturned fishing boat.
"Reesh." I say once I reach him. He doesn't turn to face me, just continues to stare out to sea.
"Reesh," I continue. "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to upset you. You know I wouldn't try to do that. I just felt worried, seeing what was inside the notebook, it made me panic." I sit beside him and take his hand. "Why haven't I seen it before?" I ask.
"Didn't want to worry you." He mumbles.
"Are we in danger, Reesh?"
"Tut mir leid, Katja." He sighs. "Yes, yes we are."
For a moment the world falls silent. The crashing of waves against the rocks is all that can be heard.
"What are we going to do, Reesh? Please tell me what's going on." I plead.
For the first time, he pulls his gaze away from the water. "Many years ago, I lived in the city. I was in need of money, so some guys paid me to do... jobs... for them. But these jobs were risky, dangerous, criminal even. There was one job they asked me to do but I couldn't. I'm not like that. So I lied, told them I'd done it and got paid. I fled the city shortly after in fear of what they might do to me if they found out."
"And I suppose they know now? That you lied?" I ask worriedly.
"Yeah. And now they're after me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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