Chapter Seven

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Oh My Gosh!

When we got to his car he was very polite and opened the car door for me. I couldn't believe that I met him, and now he's driving me to lunch. I tried to calm down and play it cool. There will be twenty to thirty other people there. But it was still very sweet that he was the one to ask. And the fact that he offered to drive me home and pick me up the next day is just crazy I thought and I guess I giggled because Lucas asked, "Whats so funny?" "Oh, nothing," I said trying not to blush. He gave that cute innocent smile that just made me want to smile as big as the joker.

I could tell the ride is going to be quiet for the most part, and we'd make small talk here and there. He told me that its going to take forty five minutes to get there. I felt like it has already been twenty minutes but I know it's actually only been five minutes. I hate awkward silence more than anything. I know with what i'm about to ask is going to make everything more weirder than it already is, but at least he would have to respond I told myself. This is more for me than for him. So I took a deep breath and asked, "So... um I looked ahead at the scenes for next week and it says we're suppose to kiss. We don't have to practice or anything right?" I never took my eyes off the road because I saw him glancing at me while I was talking.

"No, we don't have to but its all cool though. Its just acting, right?" He didn't ask it like a question but I answered him anyway. "Right," was all I could manage to say. He has been in tons of movies and shows and hes probably kissed who knows how many girls. And then there's me; the girl who has only just now started acting and has only been kissed twice.

I didn't let what he said get to me because he was right. It is just acting. I stopped questioning myself because if there is anything I know its that I won't let a ridiculous boy get in the way and make me feel stupid.

We arrived at the place and the only thing I could say was, "OH! MY! GOSH!" It was huge and I could tell that this is definitely going to be the most expensive lunch I will ever have.

He opened the car door for me once again and directed me toward the doors. We walked in and he told the lady our names and she said, "Right this way." We sat at a very very long table with only a few other cast members already here. I said hi to everyone and went to go find a seat at the end of the table. The few other cast members were sitting at the other end of the table. For some reason I can't stand sitting in the middle. It makes me nervous and claustrophobic. He was still talking to the guys when I decided to take my seat. I assumed he would sit with them because they have been friends forever. I only know this because Lucas gave a speech about how lucky he was to be working in another movie with him.

I wasn't feelings so well which I knew was because I haven't eaten in the last twelve hours. But I stopped thinking about that when I saw Lucas walking down here and taking a seat. Really, out of all the seats at this table he had to sit by me? I said in my head.

Neither of us said anything when he sat down and I began looking around at all of the beautiful decorations. There was a chandelier above each table, there was a waterfall in the entrance, and our napkins were folded like beautiful swans. I was amazed because you only see this kind of stuff in the movies. And the lights were dim which made the marble stone table sparkle magnificently.

I could tell that today would be one of my favorites.

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