Chapter Three

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I Got It

After a long night with Y/BSF/N we finally managed to forced ourselves to go home. As soon as my alarm clock went off I pressed stopped and began getting dressed for the audition. This time I wore a skirt that was a peach color with a nice white long sleeved shirt. And I wore my hair in a high bun.

Today, there were only a few of girls here to re-audition. I suddenly noticed there weren't any boys here. But right when I realized, I heard the few other girls say that they had already casted the guy to play Blake. They started saying how he's "supposedly" going to be watching each audition. When I heard them say that my mouth completely dropped. Then they called my name and again I raised my hand and walked over to the door. It was the same woman from a few weeks ago, I remember how she had a tattoo of a sunflower on her left wrist.

I entered the room and everyone introduced themselves again. And that's when I saw Lucas Jade Zumann walking up to me. He told me who he was but of course I already knew who he was. Hello, big fan of Anne With An E Over here! But I tried not to freak out or anything and I think I managed to play it cool. I shook his hand and turned back to Sarah. He walked over to her and leaned against wall.

Sarah told me to take my place and begin whenever. I stood on the mark and took a deep breath. What sucks is how he's just watching me pour my heart out to NOTHING!

When I'm done with my "breakup" scene they are yet again all staring at me. Sarah, Lucas, and the rest of the directors and camera men all gather together and talk which seems like forever but was actually only a minute or two. When they were done they all faced me and Sarah said, "Alright, you got the part! You're our girl!" With a smile on her face. I take a few seconds to respond and my eyes were so big. When I finally managed to say something all I could think to say was "Really?" And then that's when Lucas said, "Yep!" And then I heard Sarah tell John to let the rest of the girls know they are no longer needed. I'm over here silently freaking out and thinking about how I can finally tell my parents that my dreams are about to come true!

After I settled everything with the directors, they gave me all of the dates and times for rehearsals, table reads, and then finally the actual filming part! I said bye to everyone and thanked them all for everything. I got into my car and began driving home!

I can't wait to tell Y/BSF/N about everything! And how I met LUCAS JADE ZUMANN! Me and Y/BSF/N used to have a crush on him when we were little!

Your Reality | Lucas Zumann |Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя